chapter 25

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(Cam's P.O.V.)

"i'm just so worried about her," i lied to Lexie's parents.

"d-do you want us to c-call the p-police?" Mrs. Thomas sobbed.

oh that's funny.

"no! ah, no. what i mean is, let me find her."

"why? why would you want to do that?" asked Mr. Thomas.

"i just...i need this for myself. it's the least i could do. please just let me find her," i began to fake cry.

"alright, Cam. you're a good man," Mr. Thomas said as he patted me on the shoulder.

"why thank you," i smiled proudly and wiped the "tears" away.

"anything e-else you n-need from us?" Mrs. Thomas asked sadly as she sat on a couch in the studio.

"oh, yes. i need you both to stay here and not come out for any reason. it's just the safest thing for you. promise me?"

"of course, Cameron, we promise," said Mr. Thomas.

the real reason was that i just couldn't risk them finding us at the warehouse. my whole plan would be destroyed. just then my alarm clock went off. 10:35. perfect. just enough time to make it back to Lexie.

"well, i must be going now, " i said as i hugged Lexie's parents, "i uh, have to uh, get a search team together. you know, for Lexie."

they smiled with appreciation and sent me on my way. Lexie, here i come.

(Nash's P.O.V.)

we crept along the side of the huge building. our black apparel let us blend in with the dark night sky.

"are you sure this is the right place?" Jordan whispered.

"yes, i'm sure. unless Taylor's lying to me, which i don't think he is, this is definitely the right place."

we leaned our ears against the wall, hoping to hear any sound that might come from the inside.


they must be keeping her quiet against her will or something.

"hey, Nash?"


"how were they uh, gonna..kill..Lexie?" Jordan asked as she tucked a strand of her red hair behind her ear.

i sighed heavily. "Taylor told me that Cam was gonna let Gina scrape parts of her body with a knife blade until she was bleeding intensely," i started to cry, "then, Cam would let Lexie s-suffer for a while until she was b-barely alive," i paused. "finally, he was gonna f-finish her off by strangling-" i couldn't contain ny sadness. i clasped onto the ground and sobbed into my hands. "it h-hurts, it actually p-physically hurts me to k-know she's not h-happy."

"ssh, Nash. it's okay. she's gonna be safe," Jordan said as she sat down next to me.

"it's just, w-what if Taylor never r-responded to me? we would have n-never even have known about t-tonight."

"look, the important thing is that the girl you love is in that building right behind us. now we need to pull ourselves together and do this for her. okay?"

"..okay," i half-smiled.

just then, we heard a car pull up into the drive. we hid behind a bush and watched as Cam merrily strolled into the warehouse. it made me sick to see him so giddy, while Lexie was in there prepared to die.

"are you ready?" Jordan asked.

"oh, yeah, i'm ready."

(Lexie's P.O.V.)

the clock on the wall had just struck 11 when we heard Cam pull into the drive.

right on time, of course.

Cam strolled inside and hung up his jacket.

"and how's my Lexie doing?" he asked.

i wanted to respond, but Taylor had put more tape over my mouth to reassure Cam that he was still on his side, even though he wasn't.

"are you ready to die, doll?" he chuckled as he wrapped his arm around Gina's waist.

he led her over to the metal table, picked up a long blade, sharpened it, and handed it to her. she laughed with pleasure. these people made me sick.

(Nash's P.O.V.)

we slowly inched towards the mains doors. i carefully pulled out my gun in preparation and checked to make sure i had bullets loaded. suddenly, Jordan lost her balance and stumbled into the side of the building, making a loud noise.

"Jordan, are you okay?" i asked her.

suddenly, the front door opened. Cam stood there.

oh, God. this so wasn't part of the plan.

(Lexie's P.O.V.)

all of a sudden, we heard a loud crash.

"what was that?" Cam asked with panic as he ran over to the front doors. he opened them and looked around outside. "okay, we're gonna have to get this over with quicker than thought. Gina, hand me my gun."

a look of concern flashed across Taylor's face as he leaned against the wall.

Nash, please hurry.

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