Moving Day

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*Brooke's P.O.V*

I let out a small sad sigh as I look around at my once furnished, but now empty bedroom. Not because I'm sad about moving to a completely different State on the other side of the Country. I'm actually kind of excited to move thanks to the fun experiences that could possibly come out of moving.

I am sad because I have to leave the home that I have lived in and have known for my whole entire life so far. A place I have come to love and feel completely safe at thanks to something happening to me when I was about nine. It completely changed my life and I had to deal with it by myself because I was too scared to tell anyone. Even my own mom about what was happening to me.

Yes, it is that bad because what I went through when I was nine was beyond terrifying, painful and changed me for forever. What happened, is the universe decided to give me strong but sometimes alarming enhanced powers.

Well, I don't know if the universe is really responsible for giving me the powers or not. Or how, or why I have them now. But all I do know now is that I can shapeshift into a giant goddamn white wolf, literally control fire and freeze time for a little, teleport to anywhere I want, and shoot energy blast out of my hands.

I know, they sound cool and I should be beyond thrilled to have them. But I'm really not, because what I'm able to do now scares the absolute crap out of me.

I mean sure I have learned how control them a little by myself and they can come in handy in really sticky situations, but what if something went wrong in the process of doing that and someone gets seriously hurt because of me?

"Brooke?" I hear Mom's voice ask from out in the hallway snapping me out of my train of thought.

"Yeah?" I ask as I begin to walk toward the door to my room, but quickly stopped after Mom suddenly walked in.

Mom looks around my empty bedroom with a small but sad smile before looking over and smiling at me.

"Ready to head out?" Mom asks as she walks over to me and rest her hands on my shoulders and gives them a small squeeze.

I let out a small nervous breath at that because we're leaving and moving today. To New York! And I don't want to leave just yet. I want to stay a little longer. But I can't tell my mom that because then that would involve me telling her why and about my powers too.

I'm not ready to tell Mom about my powers yet because I don't want her getting scared of me or worse. I need my Mom thanks to her always being there for me whether I needed her or not.

So I guess I should just suck it up and get ready for a little change in scenery.

"Yeah, I'm ready" I say with a small but nervous smile.

Mom smiles at me with a little concern look in her eyes as she gives my shoulders another squeeze.

"Are you nervous?" Mom asks as she rubs one of her thumbs over my shoulder.

"A little." Actually no, I'm beyond terrified about moving!!

"Don't be. Sure the first few months after the move may be a little rough. But trust me when I say it'll get better and you'll learn to love New York just as I did" Mom says with a bit of a big smile.

She was actually born and raised in New York for the first 20 years of her life, until she moved out here to Colorado after getting pregnant with me. I don't know why she moved out here though, she loved New York so much and always talks about. I'm glad she moved to Colorado though. I like it here thanks to the cold weather, snow and old fashion towns that are still around here.

But again, I'm kind of happy that we're moving to New York because I've kinda fallen in love with the city thanks Mom always talking about and the couple of times we've traveled there a fun Mother-Daughter weekend. So I'm kind of hoping that I'll have a good enough time living in New York like my Mom did.

"I know, I just can't help but feel nervous about it" I say as I rub my hand over my arm to help calm me down a little.

Mom gave me a sincere but concerned look as she faintly smiles at me before pulling me into a comforting hug. I smile at Mom's soothing and warm touch, something I've come very use too and fond of over the years thanks to her always comforting me if I needed it, as I hug her back.

"It's okay to be a little nervous, but trust me when I saw you are going to be just fine and there is nothing to worry about" Mom says as she pulls away from me a little and gives me a trusting smile.

I smile at that but feel my nerves start to rise because I do have something to worry about. Big time.

"Are you okay now?" Mom asks as gives my shoulders another squeeze.

"Yeah" I say, even though I know I'm not.

Mom smiles at me again before leaning over and kissing the top of my forehead.

"Good, now you ready to go? Because I think someone's getting a little restless waiting for you" Mom says with a little smirk as she points to my door. But as soon as she did, I hear a bark followed by the sound of claws hitting the hardwood floor before a big ball of black and white fluff comes running into my room.

Mom and I both laugh at that a little before I kneel down and scratch the ball of fluff, aka my husky/best friend Daisy, behind the ears.

Daisy let out a happy little bark at that as she rapidly wags her tail before jumping up a bit and licking me all over my face, making Mom bust out laughing.

"What? What is it girl?" I ask with a chuckle as she continues to lick me and as I continue to scratch her behind her ear. "Do you want me to be ready and get my butt to the car so we can get going?"

Daisy let out a happy bark at that as she keeps on licking my face before I stop her by gently pushing her off of me and standing up to wipe the slobber off my face.

"I'll take all that as a yes" Mom says making the both of us chuckle a little.

I look up and smile at Mom as I brush some of Daisy's fur off of me and fix my bag on my shoulder a little. Mom smiles back at me before taking a few steps toward me and putting a comforting hand on my shoulder.

"Ready to head out kid?" Mom asks as she tugs my shoulder a bit.

As much as I don't want to leave the safety of here, I know I have to. So I pull on a fake but not so fake smile for Mom, because like I've been saying I am kind of excited about moving as I nod my head.

"Yeah, I'm ready" I say which causes Daisy to bark a little as she wags her tail.

Mom laughs at that as she looks up and smiles at me before making a little head gesture to my door.

"Let's go" Mom says.

I smile at her and take one last look at old room before following Daisy and Mom out of my room, down the stairs and out of the house and into the car so we can get going. When I get into the car though and buckle up, that's when I felt my nerves sky rocket as I once again start to think about all that could go wrong with my powers once we get to New York.

But I try and calm myself down because that hopefully might not happen right?


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