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"So how exactly did you discover your powers?" Peter asks as the both of us surround his Spiderman suit. 

After Peter made breakfast and we wolfed it down, no pun intended, the both of us went back into his room. We talked about random, like usual, but soon we started talking about each others powers. Peter went first. He told me everything about how he got his powers and how Tony Stark found out about him and gave him the suit we're looking at now. Even though I don't really like Tony Stark that much due to him having to be involved in the whole accords thing, I still found that part really cool. But now it's my turn to tell my story about my powers.

"Uh, well..." I say as I look up at Peter and think back to the day when my powers became a part of me.

*Third P.O.V*

A nine year old Brooklyn sits high up in a tree in the backyard of her home in Colorado. As she sits in the tree, she draws in the new sketchbook her mom just recently gave her and she loves drawing in it and up in trees as well. They just help her be a little bit more creative.

"Brooklyn!" Sarah calls out as she walks out of the house and onto the backyard patio.

"Yeah Mom?" Brooklyn calls back as she rest her sketchbook down in her lap.

"I'm going to be outfront doing some yard work just in case you need me" Sarah says.

"Okay" Brooklyn says with a nod.

Sarah gives her daughter a little smile before she turns and walks back into the house. Brooklyn rests back into the tree and starts to draw again. After a few minutes though, a cracking sound catches her attention. Brooklyn raises an eyebrow and frowns with that as she sits up and puts her sketchbook down again.

As soon as she does though, the branch she is sitting on gives out a little. Brooklyn lets out a fearful gasp at that as she takes hold of the tree branch. The branch gives out again though, causing Brooklyn's heart rate to quicken but also telling her that she needs to get!

Brooklyn swings her left leg over to start climbing down. But as soon as her weight shifts, the branch broke clean off the tree and sent Brooklyn falling right down to the ground.

The young girl went to scream, but her voice got caught in the back of her throat as she watches the ground get closer and closer. She closes her eyes tightly and just waits for the impact. But it never came.

Instead she lands on something nice and soft. Her eyes quickly pop open and they widen as soon as she sees that she's inside her room now and lying down on her bed.

"Uh..." Brooklyn breaths out as she sits up in bed with a very confused look.

As soon as she sits up though, pain shoots through her head and whole entire body. Brooklyn lets out a heavy groan as she holds her head in pain before hunching over and gritting her teeth after the pain intensified. Along with the pain though, Brooklyn's body also began to feel very hot as well.

"What's happening to me?" Brooklyn asks aloud, with a whine and feeling terrified because she's never experienced anything like this before.

Brooklyn moves her head up after her arms and fingers began to throb. Her eyes widen and heart sink in fear after her arms began to glow both a bright red and a dark purple color and long black claws began to take the place of her nails.

"What's happening?" Brooklyn asks in total and utter fear before she winces again as the pain continues and everything about her changed.

*End of Flashback*

"You went through all that when you were only nine?" Peter asks as he looks at me in concern, but with in a bit of amazement as well once I finished telling him how I got my powers.

"Yeah, and it is by far the worst pain I've ever had to experience" I say as I hold one of Peter's web shooters in my hands and rub my thumb up and down it.

"And your mom didn't hear you going through all that?" Peter asks with a raised eyebrow.

"No. The pain was so much for me to take on that it even hurt to scream. So I sort of stayed silent as everything was happening to me. Thankfully it didn't last for that long, but it was still hell to go through" I say as I think back to the pain again and shutter a little as I can still feel the pain a little.

"I'm sorry you had to go through that" Peter says, sincerely as he rest one of his hands on top of mine and gives it a soft squeeze.

"You don't have to be sorry, Peter. You didn't have anything to do with it" I say as I give him a soft smile.

"I know...I just don't like it when I hear good people like you go through something that has caused them a lot of pain" Peter says.

"Awww" I say, playfully. But I blush a little too.

"Shut up, I'm trying to be sweet" Peter says with a chuckle as he pushes my shoulder a little.

"I know, I'm just playing with you" I say with a little laugh as I smile at Peter.

Peter smiles back at me as his thumb rubs up and down my hand before it fades and is replaced by a serious but soft look.

"Brooklyn...can I ask you something?" Peter asks with a shaky nervous breath as I can actually hear his heartbeat pick up a bit.

"Yeah" I say as I nod my head but frown a little and wonder why he's suddenly so nervous.

"I was wondering...if you would like to...go out with me this Friday?" Peter says sounding completely nervous as I can feel him shaking a bit.

My eyes widen as I look at Peter in shock and am taken back a little. I mean sure, I like Peter as more than just friend and I think he does too. I just wasn't expecting him to ask me out this soon.

"But if you're not interested, I understand" Peter says, sounding a little hurt as he drops his head a little after I stayed silent for a moment.

"I would love to go out with you on Friday, Peter" I say with a smile.

Peter's head quick pops up and he looks at me in silence for a moment with a shocked look on his face before it's replaced with a smile.

"Really?" Peter asks in disbelief but with a smile still on his face.

"Yeah" I say with a soft smile and little nod.

Peter smiles at me with a big smile and lets out a relieved laugh before he lunges toward me and pulls me into a hug. I laugh at that as I hug him back and can't believe that just happened. He's actually the very first boy to ever ask me out and I'm happy that it's him.


A/N) Yay!!

Peter finally asked Brooklyn out!

What do you guys think their first date should be?

On another note though, I would just like to thank you all for getting this story to almost 4.2k reads. It just means a lot to me because it makes me feel good about my writing and that a lot of people possibly like it as well.

So thank you all and I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter :)

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