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"I mean is was absolutely insane with how he or she was able to take control of the flames, form them into that huge ball in the sky and then just disperse them like they were nothing. I know what happened was horrible, but seeing that was amazing and made me freak out like the nerdy superhero fanboy I am" Ned says while obviously freaking out as he talks about the fire that happened last week and mimics what I did on that night that saved a lot of people, including that little girl and her parents. I checked in on them, secretly obviously, and am glad to say that the three of them are just fine.

Both Peter and I just smile at Ned as we're cuddled up on my bed and watch our friend be his lovely goofy self as he talks to us.

"It was like I was watching a way better version of The Last Airbender and just can't believe there's someone walking around the city that posses that kind of power and is on the good side" Ned says jumping up and down like a small child before sitting down in my spinny chair and throwing his arms up in the air. "I love superheros."

Peter and I both laugh at Neds excitement as Peter pulls me in just a little closer and kisses the top of my head.

"Did you get a chance to talk to this new super person, Pete?" Ned asks as he looks at Peter with an excited expression.

"No, I unfortunately did not. She...or he passed out as soon as I picked them up and started swinging away from the building and I thought they didn't want to be bothered once they came back too. So I swung to a nice building top, layed he or she down on it a gentle as possible and swung away to let them be. Sorry buddy" Peter says, trying to lie but I can hear his heartbeat growing faster with the lie. But Ned thankfully bought it.

"Bummer...maybe the next time they show up you can try and talk to them and maybe become their friend" Ned says, sounding very hopefully and I feel bad because what I did on the night was pretty much a one time thing. I don't know if I can or want to do it again. I'm still unsure about my powers.

"Maybe...if he or she isn't busy with other things" Peter says with a smile before I feel him look right down at me and gives the top of my head a few more kisses.

He's been thinking about something hasn't he??

"Aww, that's adorable" Ned says with a big grin on his face as he looks at me and Peter.

I smile at Ned as I rest my hands on Peter's arm and trace circles on his skin with the pad of my thumb. Ned smiles at us again before he looks down at his phone after it buzzed and he lets out a sigh.

"Alright guys, I gotta head home. Dinner awaits me" Ned says as he pushes his phone back in his pocket and grabs his stuff.

"See ya later buddy" Peter says as he untangles himself from me and gets off my bed to walk over to Ned. Ned and him do their little handshake before hugging each other bye.

"See you later Ned, get home safe. Okay" I say as I get up and give Ned a hug too.

"Always do" Ned says as he pulls away with a smile. He salutes Peter and I before walking out of my room and then out of the front door.

"So have you thought about it?" Peter asks as he smile as me.

"Thought about what?" I ask a bit confused, but I think I know what he's asking about.

"About becoming a superhero and going around stopping crime in the city" Peter says pointing to my window before sitting down next to me. "Have you given that any thought after what happened that night?"

Okay truth is, I have. I really have, but I still fear that something will go wrong and I'll mess in a terrible way with powers. And yes, I know I did okay that night controlling the fire but what if it was just a one time thing? I can't risk letting something awful happen because of me.

"I don't know Peter" I say with a sigh as I look down at my hands.

"Look, I know you're probably still scared of your powers getting out of control and causing something terrible to happen. Which I completely get because I wouldn't want that happen either if I had powers like yours. But maybe that won't happen. Maybe the more you use your powers the more you'll be able to control them and not be so scared of them" Peter says as he takes hold of one of my hands and gives it a soft squeeze.

I smile a little at what Peter says because it could be true. That could be a possibility, but there will always be a chance that something wrong could happen if I try out the whole hero thing.

"And I'm not saying you have to do the whole hero thing, you can decide whether to do it or not on your own and I'll respect your decision. But it would be cool fighting crime with my awesome powerful girlfriend if you decide to become a crime fighter. But if you don't, you'll still be my awesome girlfriend" Peter says as he wraps an arm around me and kisses the top of my head.

I chuckle at Peter's words and smile at the touch of his lips as I lean into his shoulder.

"I think about it and let you know what I decide. Okay?" I ask as I look up at Peter with a smile.

"Sounds good" Peter says returning the smile and presses a kiss to my forehead.

I smile at Peter again and lean up and peck his lips. Peter smiles back at me and pecks my lips back before doing it again, again and again.

"I'm so happy that you're my girlfriend" Peter says with a genuine smile and I can tell that he means it. I can hear the sincerity in his voice and it causes my heart to flutter and cheeks turn red.

"I'm glad that you're my boyfriend" I say, returning the smile and sincerity.

Peter smiles at me with a big grin. He cups my face in his hands and rubs the pads of his thumbs along my cheekbones before he leans down and presses a very soft and meaningful kiss to my lips. I kiss him back and pull him down gently by his neck as I lie my back on my bed. I can hear both Peter and I's hearts beating fast as we kiss and Peter hovers over me, but we don't let anything go too far. We're young and not ready for any of that yet.

Instead, we just make out for what feels like forever, just enjoying the feeling of each others lips, the taste of them and the passion from the kiss. And there's honestly nothing I would ever trade for that feeling. 

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