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My heart pounds against my chest and palms sweat like crazy as I walk down a dimly lit corridor. I don't know how I got here or where here even is. But all I do know is that I'm getting an uneasy feeling by being here.

I have both my hands charged up with energy and ready to fire. I keep a check on my surroundings as well. Nothing has happened to me yet, but as I walk I can't help but feel like something is following me. I've turned around multiple times already from feeling that, but every time I did there was literally nothing. Nothing at all and it's starting to make me feel like I'm going crazy.

I jump as a little girls scream suddenly rips through the air. It comes from deeper down in the corridor and the second I hear it I take off running toward the scream. Not even giving a second thought about what I should do.

I run as fast as I can and soon arrive at metal double doors. They're locked up by chains but I raise a fist and blast them clean off. I kick in the doors before walking into the room and quickly spotting the little girl. She's about three or four, has blonde hair and is dressed in a light blue dress with a white floral pattern printed onto it that looks like it belongs in the 30's or 40's.

Her back is turned to me as she's curled up into a ball on the ground and crying her eyes out. Concern washes over me as I walk over to her to see what's wrong.

"Hey" I say softly as I stop just a few inches away from the girl so I don't scare her anymore than she already is.

She jumps as she quickly sits up and faces me. The second she faces me though, my eyes grow wide as I see that she looks just like me when I was little. The same round face, big cheeks, dimples, icy blue eyes and long blonde hair. Literally everything is the same and I don't know how. Am I just imagining her right now or is this real?

She looks at me with fear and tears all over her face before she suddenly changes into me and keeps the same expression on her face. I jump back as I look at the other me in shock and confusion and try and figure out what the hell is going on.

"Who are you?" I ask to myself, quite literally.

The other me just stays silent as she looks at me before she disappears. I look around to see if she's still around, but she's not. She just vanished into thin air.

What the hell is going on ?!  

"Brooklyn!!" I suddenly hear my mom shout.

I turn to see her running at me with a mixture of worry and relief, but mostly worry, plaguing her face as she's dressed in a white puffy long sleeve blouse, brown skirt and brown laced up oxford shoes. 

"Mom" I say aloud before I frown as I suddenly feel air hitting my legs. I look down to see that I'm now wearing the dress the other me was wearing before she disappeared.

"What the hell is going on?" I whisper to myself as I look down at the dress.

"Brooklyn!!" Mom shouts again as I hear her footsteps getting closer to me.

I look up only to see her stop dead in her tracks as a large metal spike slices through her chest.

"MOM!!!!" I scream in horror as I stand frozen in my place and watch Mom's skin begin to turn white and blood seep out from her chest.

Mom gasps for air as she looks down at the spike in her chest with a blank face. She looks up at me as blood begins to make its way out of her mouth.

"Run..." Mom says with her dying breath before the spike retracts itself from her chest and she falls to the ground.

Tears well up in my eyes and fall as I look at Moms lifeless body with blood pooling around it. I don't believe what I'm seeing. She can't be gone. She can't. This has to be just a dream. I still need her. I still need my mom. She's the only thing I have left.

My attention is drawn away from Mom after I deep and dark growl sounds off from where she once stood. I look up and feel fear run down my spine as I see large black werewolf standing on just two legs as it's eyes glow a dark red color and metal spikes are sticking out from his shoulders, arms and the back of his hands. It's baring its teeth and letting out hisses as it looks at me.

"Hello Brooklyn" It growls as it holds one of its hands up, showing off a spike that has mom's blood smeared all over it.

Instead of fear hitting me as I look at the spike, anger hits me instead. That thing just killed my mom and there's nothing more I want to do now than making it pay for taking her away from me.

"You killed my Mom!" I shout as I charge up a huge amount of energy in both my hands and shoot it right at the wolf.

The blasts punch right through the wolf's chest, hopefully creating a large hole that will then lead to it dying. It hunches over and looks like it's about to kill over any second now. The second I think about that though, it's head shoots up and gives me a deathing glare as it stands back up, with no hole it's chest.

My eyes widen in utter shock as fear begins to run down my spine. Those were the strongest blasts I've ever created, how was he able to survive that.

"You back a strong punch, my dear. I'm impressed. It's a shame I'm going to have to put an end to it though" The wolf says with a chuckle before it lunges right at me. And it's so quick that I don't even have enough time to do anything before my chest is met with the same spike that killed my mom.

I gasp for air as it's sucked right out of me and stare a head in shock. The wolf chuckles again, making me look at it only to see it looking down at me with a grin plastered on its face.

"Sweet dreams sweetheart" The wolf says before it opens it mouth and shoots energy right out of it and at my face.

I jolt awake with a scream as I fall out of my bed and onto the ground. I fight out of the sheets that are wrapped around me and scramble back onto my feet. I look around with a charged up fist as I breath heavily and anxiety about being attacked again rids me.

I calm down and relax though as I see that I'm just in my bedroom and that I just had a nightmare. I lower and unclench my fist as I make the energy around it dispurst.

"Brooklyn?" Mom voice calls out from behind my door as I hear her heavy footsteps coming toward it before she bursts into my room with worry written all over her face.

The second I see her, relief spreads through me and I quickly run over to her and engulf her in a tight hug. Beyond happy that she's still here and that her death was just a nightmare.

"What's wrong honey? Why'd you scream?" Mom asks as she wraps her arms around me and pulls me into her.

"I had a really bad dream" I say, holding my mom tighter and not wanting to let go right now. I know it was just a dream but I hope whatever happened in my dream never happens to her.

"On a scale from one to ten, how bad?" Mom asks as she rubs a hand up and down my sweaty back, that I just now noticed is sweaty.

I smile a little at Mom's question because it's a question she use to ask me when I was younger. I use to have nightmares all the time when I was little and whenever I did, mom would come in and comfort me and asked me that question to see how she could help. One meant I was okay but ten meant that I wouldn't be able to forget it ever and be able to sleep for the next few days. My nightmares were also between seven and ten, but thankfully I haven't had a bad dream since I turned eleven. Well that was until today.

"Ten" I admit as I bury my face into Mom's shoulder.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Mom asks as she holds me tighter.

"No, I just want to hug for a little bit" I admit, because I really don't want to talk about it. I hate dreams like that and don't want to relive it as I tell Mom about it. I just want to comforted by her without talking and just try and forget the dream.

"Okay. I won't pry it out of you. But if you change your mind you know you can tell me" Mom says, rubbing her hand up and down my back again.

"I know" I say looking up at Mom and nodding my head.

Mom smiles at me and kisses the top of my head. I bury my face back into her shoulder and hold her a little bit more tighter than before as I really do hope that I never lose her like that or at all.

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