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*Brooklyn's P.O.V*

Peter's hands tightly grip the blankets under him and his face scrunches up as I slide the needle through his skin to stitch up the gash on his stomach.

We're in his room, back at his apartment now and sitting down on his bed as I'm cleaning/stitching up all his cuts.

We came here after the pain from his wounds began to worsen. And I know, I should have taken him to the hospital instead to get the proper treatment he really needs. But we both knew if I were to do that, the hospital would have called his Aunt May. They would have told her what happened to Peter and she would absolutely freak the hell out on Peter for letting everything that happened to him happen, and trust me May freaking out is not a pretty sight.

So I teleported the both of us back here due to May working late tonight and I helped Peter remove the top of his suit and sit down on his bed.

Once I made sure he was okay, I went over to my apartment to grab/sneak out the first aid kit Mom keeps in our bathroom. While also telling her I'm back, but that I'm hanging out at Peter's for a few hours so she at least knows where I am now and doesn't freak out if I come home late.

"You're pretty good at this" Peter says as he looks down at me working.

"Thanks, my mom taught me a little bit of what she does best" I say as I look up at Peter with a little smile.

My mom is actually a Doctor. A Surgeon to be exact. She's been one since before I was even born. She's pretty good at what she does and like I just said, she has taught me some stuff just in case I was ever in a situation where it was needed.

"Good thing" Peter says as he looks up at me and returns the smile.

I smile back at Peter but it slowly fades away as I realize that he now knows my secret. The secret I have been beyond terrified to tell another living soul for so long now. And even though Peter is acting really calm right now, I'm just so scared that deep down inside he's actually freaking out to be around me instead and I don't want him to be.

Please don't let him be scared of me. Please, please, please don't let that be.

"You're not scared of me now, are you are?" I ask as I feel my stomach knot up after I looked up at Peter once I finished stitching up the gash on his stomach and wrapped a bandage around it

Peter looks at me in confusion as he shakes his head. "No, why would I be?"

"Because I have these powers that can be so strong sometimes and ever since I found out I had them I've been terrified to tell anyone, even my mom, about them because I don't want her or anyone thinking I'm some sort of monster...especially you because you're the first person to ever find out about them and you're my best friend and I don't want you being scared of me" I say, a bit overwhelmed with tears forming in my eyes as I think about Peter possibly thinking I'm a monster and hating me because of it.

"Hey, hey, hey, hey it's okay, it's okay. Don't get upset" Peter says as he sits up, scoots closer to me and pulls me into a tight hug.

I quickly wrap my arms around Peter and hold onto him as tightly as I can without hurting him as I bury my face into his shoulder.

"I'm not scared of you Brooklyn. I never would be. You're my best friend" Peter whispers into my ear as he rubs his hand up and down my back making me smile into his shoulder a litte. "And I think this just made you a little more cooler to have as my friend."

I chuckle at that as I pull away from Peter and smile at him.

I feel really relieved to see/know that Peter isn't afraid of me, but also can't believe that he's not.

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