Will You...

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"Wait so you're aunt was completely okay with you guys doing that to your mom?" Peter asks with wide eyes but a little chuckle laced in his voice.

"One hundred percent" I say with a smile. I just told Peter about a prank Aunt Nat and I pulled on my Mom one time with the help of her fellow archer friend Clint Barton. It was a funny but messed up prank at the same time.

It was one of those home invasion pranks. Nat, Clint and I all dressed up as robbers with mask to obviously cover our faces and basically just scared the crap out of my mom. And the way we played out the prank was Nat and I pretended to go out for a little Aunt and Niece dinner, but in reality we just met up with Clint a few blocks down from the house. We waited for about a good thirty minutes until we decided to put the prank into action.

We got dressed into our fake robber costumes before sneaking up to the house and into it. Clint snuck into the house through the back while Nat and I made the decision to scale up the back and sneak in through one of the windows in my bedroom. Once we were in the house we all made a couple noises hear and there to grab my moms attentions and make her a little paranoid. Then once we thought we were good, Nat and I made ourselves known by sneaking over to where my mom was at (her bedroom) and jumped out and scared the absolute living crap out of her.

The color drained from her face and she let out a loud scream as she went running down the stairs. But when she did Clint was down there waiting for her and once she was off the stairs he grabbed her and started to drag her away to make her think he was about to tie her up. As he did that my Mom was absolutely hysterical and practical pleading for her life. I felt so bad for that so I quickly pulled my mask off to show her that it was me and it was just a prank.

Of course she hated me, Nat and Clint for doing that but it was worth it to get a good scare out of her and she laughs about it nowadays so that's good.

"That's both awesome but messed up at the same time" Peter says with a smile.

"Yeah. But it's always fun to get a good scare out of someone" I say.

Peter nods his head as he smiles at me before he just stares at me as silence falls over us. It's a combination of both comfortable and awkward silence and I really don't know what to do other than just smile at him as I awkwardly play with my hands.

"You're really beautiful, Brooklyn" Peter says with a soft kind smile.

I blush hard at that as I look down at my hands because I can't look at Peter due to me not really know what to say except for...

"Thank you."

As soon as I say that both of Peters hands take hold of mine and he squeezes them and makes me look up at him. Peter smiles at me as I look up at him and gives my hands another squeeze.

"I really do mean that Brooklyn" Peter says as he rubs his thumbs up and down the sides of my hands before he gets up and comes over and sits down next to me. "You are just so beautiful and mesmerizing at the same time. Everytime I look at you I just get lost in thought and it's by either just looking at your eyes, which are the perfect shade of blue by the way, or by just looking at your perfect smile."

I smile at Peter as I blush even more and reach over and take his hand in mine.

"And you always look perfect to me everyday no matter what and I'm not going I'm sort of jealous of that" Peter says causing the both of us to laugh.

"You look good everyday too" I say, giving Peter's hand a little squeeze.

Peter smiles at me and squeezes my hand back. "But you're not just beautiful because of the way you like. You're beautiful because you're also so funny, smart, kind and very brave too and I really...really like you because of that."

My heart speeds up at that as a smile spreads across my face.

"I really, really do like you Brooklyn. I have ever since I first got to know you and I am really glad you said yes to going out with me tonight because I've been waiting to ask you something" Peter says as he suddenly sounds nervous and I feel his pulse spike up. It comes with the whole wolf thing.

"What's the question?" I ask with a smile as I have a good feeling about where this is going.

Peter smiles at me but as he breaths a little nervously and squeezes my hand again.

"Will you...will you be my girlfriend?" Peter asks, sounding extremely nervous.

Both my heart and stomach do a million flips in happiness at Peters question. He really does like me back the same way.

"I would love to be your girlfriend...Spider Man" I say with a playful smirk.

Peter chuckles sounding both relieved and happy at the same time. He smiles at me for a second until it's replaced with a soft and meaningful look as his eyes look over my face before he starts to eye my lips.

Is he about to0...?

Peter smiles at me again, but as he does he comes a little closer to me and brings a hand up to my face. His hand rests on my face as his thumb slowly and softly rubs across it. My breath gets caught in the back of my throat due to his touch and I feel my cheeks turn a probably very roasie color. But I smile a bit as I suddenly hear both of our heart beats beating in sync and at very fast rate.

Peter gives me a very soft look as his other hand finds it way up to my face. Both his thumbs rub across my cheek bones and he smiles at me again before leaning down and capturing my lips with his.

I tense up a little at first because I really don't know what to do, I've never kissed a boy before. But I slowly close my eyes and rest into Peter's touch as it starts to feel comfortable beyond words. My hands go to Peters wrists and I rest them against them as I kiss him back.

Even though this is my very first kiss ever and I have nothing to compare it too, it is and will be by far the greatest one I will ever receive. His lips are just so soft and warm and everything about this kiss feels so right. There's so much meaning being felt in it and it's making me feel and realize just how much Peter really feels about me. I just hope I'm returning it.

Peter's hands travel down to my waist and snake around it before pulling into him and he did it without even breaking the kiss. I quickly wrap my arms around his neck and sit up a bit, so now I have somewhat better leverage as I press my lips a little harder onto Peters.

We kiss for what feels like hours, but is probably only a few minutes, just enjoying finally being able to do this and the feeling of our lips against each others before we both pull away for air. When we do though, I stay close to Peter and rest my forehead against his as I cup his face in my hands. Peter doesn't let me go either, he keeps his arms wrapped around me as he rubs his hand up and down my back softly. The both of just stay silent as we listening to our breathing.

"That was..."

"Amazing" I say finishing Peter's sentence.

Peter laughs softly at that as he just nods his head in agreement while a grin spreads across his lips. I smile at him before I lean down and peck his lips. He smiles at me before the next thing I know he's quickly standing up with me still in his arms and spinning around.

I squeal a little but mostly laugh at that as I hold on tightly to Peter. He chuckles as he stops spinning around and looks up and smiles at me. I look at him and smile back before pecking his lips again. And that's pretty much how the rest of our date went, lots of kissing and goofing around with each other and it was complete perfection.

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