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Ned and I burst out laughing as we watch a YouTube compilation of old vines. R.I.P Vine. Yeah, I know they're old, but we still get a kick out of them.

"Dad look, it's the good kush" I say/quote the vine as it plays.

"This is the dollar store how good can it be?" Ned says/quotes too as he mimics the dad's un-expressionless face, which just makes us laugh even harder.

I have tears in my eyes and my stomach hurts so much thanks to how much I've been laughing.

"I love that video!" Ned says with a heavy breath as he continues to laugh.

"It's so funny!" I say as I continue to laugh too and wipe some tears away.

Ned and I keep on laughing until we stop and stop the video to give us a break from laughing.

"Oh god, that was good" Ned says as he takes a few deep breaths.

"It was" I say, nodding my head as I sit up on the couch.

"So can I ask you something?" Ned asks.

"Yeah sure. What is it?" I ask as I cross my legs and sit up straight.

"Were you mad at Peter earlier when he said he was going out tonight for a patrol as Spider Man?" Ned asks as he looks at me.

Crap!...he could tell I wasn't okay with him going out tonight.

"He could tell I wasn't okay with him going out tonight, couldn't he?" I ask, mentally slapping myself and burying my face in my hands.

"Yeah, he felt like he said something wrong to upset you and was worried about you after you walked away from the both of us" Ned says.

"He didn't say anything wrong to upset me, I just felt a little uneasy when he said he was going out for a patrol tonight" I say, crossing my arms over my chest and leaning back into couch.

"Why?" Ned asks with a raised eyebrow as he looks at me in concern.

"I'm just afraid that he'll get hurt again" I say, shuttering a bit as I suddenly think back to that night those guys really did a number on Peter.

"Like what those guys did to him? Or something much worse?" Ned asks as he scoots a little closer to me on the couch.

Yes, Peter and I did tell Ned about what happened that night just to keep him in the loop since he is our friend and should know what's going on. But we didn't tell him about what I did. We kept that part out and just told the story a little differently.

"Much worse" I say with a frown as glimpses of Peter and how messed up he was keep on flashing through my head.

Ned just stays silent, but nods his head as he looks at me with concern written in both his face and eyes.

"I'm guessing you haven't told Peter how you've been feeling lately?" Ned asks.

"No...I want too, but I'm afraid if I do he'll take what I'm saying the wrong way and get mad at me" I say as I look down at my feet and feel sort of like an idiot because I shouldn't be afraid to tell my boyfriend things. I trust him and don't want to keep truths from him.

"He won't get mad at you Brooklyn. He cares about you a lot and will respect you for telling him the truth. But if he does get mad at you, tell me and I myself or May will teach him a very good lesson" Ned says, making me laugh a little as I look up and smile at him.

"You don't have too, but thank you" I say with a smile and head nod.

"No problem, but I'll seriously do that if you need me too" Ned says, trying to serious as he points sternly but is failing because there's a huge smile tugging on his lips. That causes the both of us to laugh.

"You really don't have too, Ned" I say, shaking my head.

"Okay" Ned says with a smile as he holds his hands up in the air.

I smile at that before scooting close to Ned and giving him a hug. "Thank you for being a great and wise friend, Ned."

"You're welcome, Brooklyn. I'm here for you my friend" Ned says as he hug me back.

I pull away and smile at Ned and give his shoulder a very soft punch. Ned chuckles a little before getting up from the couch and walking over to the TV.

"Want to try and beat me in Star Wars Battlefront now?" Ned asks as he faces me with a big smile plastered on his face while he holds two PS4 controllers.

"Hell yeah" I say, both smiling and laughing.

Ned smiles at me and tosses me a controller before he comes back over to the couch, plops down onto it and starts the game up.

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