New Friend (Part Two)

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"So what was your favorite thing about living in Colorado?" Peter asks as him and I walk across the street once the light turned green with Daisy following by my side.

Peter and I have walking for a good twenty minutes now and for those whole twenty minutes so far we've been talking and getting to know each other and even exchanging number with each other as well. While Peter also tells me stuff about the web slinger himself AKA Spider Man. Who sounds like a cool and nice hero from what Peter has told me about him.

Peter also sounds like a good guy himself from what I've learned about him so far and we've also learned that we have some things in common as well. We both love things that involve science and are huge fans of Star Wars as well.

"I liked the cold weather and the snow that came with it" I say with a smile as I start to remember all of fun memories of me having fun in the snow with my mom and friends back in Colorado.

"So you like the cold weather?" Peter asks with a smile as we walk onto the sidewalk.

"Oh I love it" I say with a big smile, making Peter smile at me.

"Any reason why?" Peter asks.

"The cozy warm sweaters, scarfs and boots you get to wear doing it. And getting to drink hot chocolate on the really cold days too" I say as I look up and smile back at Peter.

"That's a very fair reason, because you can never go wrong with a cup of hot chocolate" Peter says.

"No you can not" I say making us both laugh before we stop at the corner of the street thanks to it being a red light. When we stopped though, Peter stepped in front of me with a big smile on his face before pointing to something behind him.

I frown at that as I look over Peter's shoulder and in direction Peter he's pointing before smiling when I see a deli right in front of us with a sign saying Mr. Delmar's on the front of it.

"Is that the deli you were talking about?" I ask as I look back at Peter.

"Yep, so get ready to eat one of the best sandwiches you will have taste" Peter says as he looks over and smiles at me.

"I'll be the judge of that" I say with a small smirk causing Peter to let out a little chuckle before the both of us walk across the street and into the Deli. With Daisy closely following us of course, as I have the fabric part of her leash tightly tied around the loop of her collar thanks to her breaking the hook on the leash.

"Hey Mr. Delmar" Peter shouts a bit as we both walk into the Deli after he opened the door and let me and Daisy come in first.

"Hey! Mr. Parker" An Italian man in about his early 40's says with a smile as he leans against the counter to the deli before his smile grows bigger once he sees me. "And hello Mr. Parkers friend."

I sheepishly smile at the guy as I give him a shy wave. "Hello." 

"Mr. Delmar this is my new friend Brooklyn. And Brooklyn this is Mr. Delmar. AKA the guy who owns the greatest sandwich place in all of Queens" Peter says with a smile as he stands next to me and points back and forth between me and Mr. Delmar.

"Nice to meet you Mr. Delmar" I say with a smile as I extend my hand out to Mr. Delmar.

"You as well Miss Brooklyn" Mr. Delmar says as he gives me a kind smile while we shake each other's hands and he looks between me and Peter.

"È una ragazza molto carina, Peter. Dovresti chiederle di uscire prima che sia troppo tardi( She's a very pretty girl, Peter. You should ask her out before it's too late.)" Mr Delmar says in Italian as he looks at Peter. But I can understand what he's saying because I can speak Italian as well.

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