Spider Man

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*Peter's P.O.V*

"So what did you think of Brooklyn?" I ask/whisper to Ned as him and I sit in seventh period and write down the notes on the board our teacher just put up for us to copy.

"She's pretty cool...and the fact that she likes Star Wars as much as we do makes her way more cooler" Ned whispers back with a smile as he keeps his eyes on his notebook.

I smile at that as I start to think about Brooklyn again. Like I haven't been doing it all day today.

And how can I not?...she's an awesome funny girl, who I've enjoyed getting to know.

"So do you like her as more than just a friend?" Ned asks, making me tighten my grip on my pencil as I quickly look over at him.

"What makes you ask that?" I ask because yes, I do already have a sort of crush on Brooklyn but I didn't tell Ned that.

"It's pretty obvious dude" Ned says with a little chuckle.

"How?" I ask as I raise an eyebrow and think about how I showed signs to me liking Brooklyn.

"You've literally been talking about her all day today, non-stop,  and your face brightens up like a string of Christmas lights whenever you see her" Ned says with a little smile. "I'd say those are pretty obvious signs of a crush."

I open my mouth to say something, but don't as I suddenly realize that I kind of have been doing that all day today.

I let out a sort of defeated sigh as I look back down at my notebook and stay quiet.

"I'd say go for it though, Pete...You got the courage to ask Liz to Homecoming. So I bet you can get the courage to ask Brooklyn out with ease" Ned says with a smile as he gives my shoulder a little pat.

I look up at Ned and give him a small smile before the both us look back down at our notebooks and begin writing down the rest of the notes that are on the board.


*Brooklyn's P.O.V*
*End of The Day*

"How'd you enjoy your first day?" Peter asks as him and I walk out of school after the final bell rang.

I laugh softly at that and shake my head a little, because Peter has been asking me questions like this all throughout today, and it was usually whenever we met up again after we didn't have a class together. But I don't mind him asking me. I actually appreciated it and found it really nice of him.

"I liked it...a lot actually" I say with a smile as I think about how much better my first day was today compared to my first day of Freshman year.

I'm not going to say much about it, but let's just say it was a complete nightmare.

"Really?" Peter asks as he looks at me with his usual dorky grin.

"Yeah...and thanks again for helping me out with everything today" I say as I give Peter a soft smile. 

"No problem" Peter says as he returns the smile to me.

We start talking about what else happened during the day today after that and some other thing too, as we walk away from the school. But once we get close to the train station, I decided to ask Peter...

"So uh,...would you maybe wanna, come over and hang out for a bit?" I ask as I twiddle my thumbs in between each other, nervously.

Peter smiles at me once I ask that, but as soon as he does it suddenly fades away as he looks over to his left. A serious look comes across Peter's face and I see his jaw tighten a little as he continues to look over to his left.

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