New York

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*A Few Hours Later*

    I was fast asleep, actually enjoying the nap when I'm suddenly woken up from it by the airplane jolting up and down. I let out an annoyed groan at that as I lean back into my seat, rub the sleep from my eyes and do a little stretch.

"You okay kid?" Mom asks with a little chuckle laced in her voice.

I look over and smile at her, with a tired smile as I nod my head.

"Yeah, I'm just tired" I say with a small yawn before closing my eyes and rubbing the sleep from my eyes again.

Mom laughed at that a bit before she claps a hand on my shoulder and gives it a little shake.

"I know, I am too. But buckle up and get ready to be up for the rest of the day because we're about to land" Mom says with a smile as she gently rubs her thumb up and down my shoulder.

Even though I want to go back to sleep, I can't help but smile at Mom with a small excited smile before I turn and look out the window, thanks to me having the window seat, and feel my smile widen a little more after I see the view of New York City from down below.

"We're almost to our new home, B" Mom says sounding very excited, making me look over and smile at her again.

Mom smiles back at me as she squeezes my shoulder a little. "You still feeling nervous?"

Although I was feeling nervous beyond belief earlier about the whole move, I have to admit that I'm not so nervous anymore. I'm not sure why that is. But I kind of like it.

Maybe I was nervous for no reason.

Well, I still have a reason to be nervous about the move. But sill.

"Kind of, but not really" I say with a smile confident smile.

"That's good. But it's okay if you are because it is completely normal for a person to get nervous during a big life change like we are doing right now" Mom says with a reassuring smile.

I smile at Mom for that before the both of us quickly put on our seatbelts after the sign for them flashed on and feeling the plane start to descend.

Here we go


After the plane landed and the pilot gave the all clear to unbuckle the seat belts and start exiting the plane, Mom and I grabbed our stuff from the compartments above us and made our way off the plane.

Once we got off the plane and into the actually airport, Mom and I walked down to baggage claim to get the rest of our stuff and Daisy, who was very excited to see us again, before walking we all walked outside to see if we could quickly grab a cab. As soon as we stepped foot outside though, I was immediately greeted by the slightly warm but cold autumn morning air and the sound of multiple car horns sounding off. But did I forget to mention that it's around 8:30 in the morning right now.

I looked at that in a bit of shock thanks to me not being use to hearing that and growing up in a nice quiet town. But I guess I should get use to sound of car horns blaring every five seconds now.

"Welcome to New York, kiddo" Mom says with a big smile as she looks at me before putting her thumb and forefinger into her mouth and whistling. Loudly.

And as soon as Mom did that, a cab immediately pulled up infront of. I look at that in complete shock, while mom just let out a small proud laugh.

"Remember that I'm from here so I know how to get a cab" Mom says with a smile as she claps a hand on my shoulder before walking toward the cab with her suitcase.

I still look at the cab and Mom in shock because I thought it would take about 15 minutes to get a cab, not five seconds, before I walk over to the cab with Daisy and help Mom put the rest of their into the back of it.

After all of our stuff was in the trunk and we closed it, Mom, Daisy and I all hopped into the cab. Where Mom told the driver the address of our new apartment before we both sit back and relax into our seats.

As soon as I got comfortable in my seat though and the cab drove for a little, I immediately sat back up, leaned over and looked out the window in amazement at the big buildings coming up and into view. Another thing I'm not usually use too. Even if I happened to live near the city of Denver. Which is a big city. But I think New York might be a little bigger.

I'm probably wrong about that though. Oh well.

"Liking what you see so far, sweetheart?" Mom asks as she leans over and smiles at me.

"Yeah, it looks cool" I say as I look over and smile at Mom before looking back out the window and feeling my eyes widen in a little shock after I see a big metal globe, that kind of looks like the Epcot ball down in Disney, poking out of the trees as we drive past it.

"Cool isn't it?" Mom asks as she gives Daisy's head a little bit as she lays it on Mom's lap.

"Very" I say before looking back out the window again to see what else we're about to pass.

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