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Two days has passed since that incident on the elevator and I haven't told anyone about it yet including my friends. I'm scared on how will they react if I told them knowing them. I sigh. Ever since that day he can't get out of my mind. 

"Hey, are you okay? Is there anything bothering you?" Amber asked. Right now we are in the garden just hanging out since the teachers are busy for the preparation of our graduation. I can't believe we're going to graduate. How time pass by, I feel like yesterday Is our first day in high school and then now we're going to graduate. Ok thats enough. I might get emotional. Going back to reality. I just nod on Amber.

"I just can't believe after a few weeks we are going to graduate." I said. They nod and agree with me. They start talking about the different universitites they applied for. I was just smiling and nodding to them. I don't have much to say. In the middle of the chit chat. I saw Damon walking inside the building with his both hands on the pocket and his wearing his cold expression again. I wander where he is going. 

"Ahmm. Excuse me, girls. I have something to do." And before they speak I stormed out of the table where we are sitting and follow Damon. The path that he is taking is going to the...rooftop? He enter the rooftop leaving the door open. I hide behind the door and peak to see what he's doing. He just sit there and watch the clouds. I just watch him.

"Come out! I know you're in there!" He said. My heart beats faster with surprised. How does he know? I have no choice but to come out and face him. I frown. He stand up and look at me with cold gaze.

"How did you-" I didn't finish what I 'm going to say when he butt in.

"You're not a good stalker." He commented while shooking his head. I pout.

"I'm not a stalker." I said with annoyance. He step foward, closer to me.

"Then why are you following me?" He said while leaning down to level his face on mine and look at me directly in the eyes. I look away to avoid his gaze. 

"Ahmm. I'm just curious." I whisper. He tilt his head to one side and furrowed his brow.

"Curious? Of what?" He asked. I look at him. This time I notice how close our faces were. It was just an inch away. A sudden heat crawled on my cheeks. 

"Of you." I said then gulp. He cock his eyebrows with atonishment and straighten up. He grin at me.

"Is this the other way of saying that you like me?" He asked, with a teasing voice. My jaw drops.

"What?! NO!" I said defensively. He smile mischievously. 

"Okay. If you say so." He said then sit on the floor again and look up in this sky.

"Why are you here? Don't you have friends to hang out with?" I asked out of curiousity. He suddenly stare at me and gesture to sit beside him. I shrug and sit beside him.

"I have but they all graduated." He simply said. A moment of silence surrounds us. Chirping of birds and blowing of the winds are the only sounds  that you can hear. 

"Are all the rumors are true?" I said as I break the silence. He face me and look at me with cold eyes again. I wander why are they like that.

"What rumors?" He said and waiting what I would say.

"That you are Bad Boy and a cassanova and a prankster and that you fucked all the bitches here in school?" I said like a rap. His eye widened and then he laugh afterwards. I stay silent and watch himo. crawl to the ground because of his laughter. Finally, he regain his composure.pi. and clear his throat.

"Yes, thats all true." He shrug. I gasp. And he's just cool with it? I furrowed my brow.

"And you're okay with that? Don't you care if others think negatively about you?" I asked with confuse look. He lean towards me and shook his head. Why does he love to do that?

"I don't care what they say. I have my own life to take care of." He shrug and stare at me.

"Now, Ms. Innocent. Do you have any more questions?" He said and grin. I look at him. He really have lovely eyes even though they look cold and sad. 

"About your parents. Is that really true?" His expression changes into serious. Ugh. I regret asking that.

"Yes." He simply said with a hint of anger on his eyes.

"Sorry. I should'nt have asked that." I apologize. He look at me intensely. I stop my breathing and lean backward. He is getting close. He look at my lips.

"Do you know what I want to do with you right now?" He asked. I shook my head like an innocent child. He smirk and in nanosecond his lips was on mine. I try to struggle but he place his both hands on my jaw line to stop me from moving. Eventually, I give up. I let his lips be on mine and close my eyes. This is my first kiss and he stole it! But honestly, he's a good kisser. I open my eyes when he try open my mouth and push his tounge on mine. I don't know what to do. I close my eyes again and let him dominate. His hands runs to my nape and then to the back of hair. Is it me? Or its getting hot in here? He stop. We are both panting, catching our breath. I flush and dumbfounded. I saw him smirk again.

"You don't know how to kiss but I guess we can work it out." He whisper to my ear. I slap him. He caress his cheek that I slap. He's now wearing of surprise expression and I too. Did I just do that?

"What the was that for?" He exclaimed. My heart fell on the ground. I shook my head.

"For stealing my first kiss..." I said almost a whisper. Then he laugh again. I look at him confused.

"You really amaze me." He said between his laughter. My brow furrowed. he stand up and regain his composure.

"See you later, Bona." He said with the sweetest voice he had and left the rooftop. Leaving me dumbfounded. After a few minutes, everything that happens earlier just sank into my head.

"KYAAAAAAAAAAAH!!! DAAAAMMMMOOONNN!" I screamed and let my feeling come out. Argh. What are doing to me Chanyoong? You really drive me crazy!


Author's note : Chapter 4 and 5 contains a rated M scene, so I made it in private. If you want to read it, you must follow me and YOU MUST BE 16 YEARS OLD AND ABOVE. It was'nt my intention to gain followers though. 

Btw, thank you for reading my story! ^^,

BedFriends[SesTal Fanfic]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon