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I feel anxious as I phase back and forth outside the operating room waiting for the doctor to come out. I can’t keep my hands from fidgeting and sweating so badly. I can’t also keep my mind from thinking the worst possibilities that can happen to Damon. He might die I. The thought gives me shivers. Fear and pain suddenly runs through my veins. My sight began to blur until I felt some warm liquid running through my cheeks. No! He can’t die! Why would he?! I was disturbed in my thoughts when I saw a familiar figure running towards me. It’s Kai.

“What happened?!” he exclaimed but my mind was blank to answer him. He sigh and pats my back.

“It’s going to be ok. Have a seat and relax yourself then tell me what happened.” He said while guiding me to sit. I manage to nod at him as an answer. As we sat, I took a deep breath and wipe my tears. I told him everthing that happened and he was also confused. Confused of why it happen. After I told him everything we sat there in silence not uttering a single word. Our attention was alarm when we saw the doctor came out the room. His face is unreadable.

“Are you his family?” he asked with authoritative tone. I shook my head and answered “I’m his girlfriend.” He nod and maintain a poker face.

“He’s fine now. No need to worry. He just fainted since he’s experiencing an anemia. It’s a condition where you lost a lot of red blood cells or in more understandable words it’s blood. This may due to overwork, lack of sleep or lack  in iron. This is a curable disease so no need to freak out. I’ll give you some of the medicines he needs to take. For now you can visit him in his room. I’ll discharge him later on.” He said then walk out. Why do I have a feeling that there’s something missing on what he said? Or maybe I’m just to freak out right now. I jolted when I felt someone touch my shoulder only to find out it’s Kai.

“Hey, I told you his ok. Let’s go?” he said then smile. I nod at him unable to speak and too eager to see Damon. We walk to his room and Kai slowly open the door and we immediately saw him sitting on the bed with his bored expression.

“What took you so long? I’m freakin’ bored here.” He whined. I don’t know what got into me but my hand suddenly slap his face. He look at me with wide eyes at the same time with confuse look. “Why-?” before he could speak again I cut him off.

“You know what? I fuckin’ hate you! I was worried to death! Worried that I might lose you!-“ before I could continue my tears escape with sobs. I suddenly feel his warm arms around mine then he caress my back.

“Husshh...stop crying. I’m ok. Can’t you see? I’m healthy as a horse!” he joked but I smack him in the arms. He chuckles. I heard someone cough then I realize that Kai was also here. Oh god. I totally forgot about him.

“Krystal...can you get the doctor’s prescription for me and the discharge slip so I can get the hell out of here.” He stated with a smile. I nod at him wandering. I left the room with those two inside. I don’t have a good feeling about them leaving in one room. I mean they’re not in good terms you see. I just hope when I got back both of them are alive. Once, I talk to the doctor and get things settled. I went back but the doctor said won’t leave my mind.

“You should take care and spend more time with him. Who knows what God’s plan with him.”

I really don’t understand it and it’s a bit creepy. I shrug it off and enter the room with those two laughing at each other. I wipe an invisible sweat at my forehead in my mind. Good thing they’re both alive. They both turn their heads to me and smile which I return.

“You! Lazy jerk! Pack up your things and let’s get out of here!” I said with anger. They just laugh at me that made me pout.

BedFriends[SesTal Fanfic]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon