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My parents decided to help Damon at the burial. He never complained nor speak ever since that day he found out she's gone. I always see him, silently cry at the corner. I really want to ease his pain but I don't know how to.

"Damon-ah...you have to eat." I said softly. He shook his head and look away. I sigh then my tears suddenly flow.

"Please stop this. Seeing you like this hurts me so much. Whenever I see you in pain, the pain comes back to me triple. Please..." I aaid but my voice is hoarse then I hug him. He hug me back  and squeeze me a little. I keep on crying. 

"Sorry, I don't know what to do. She's gone before I knew it. I hated her in my life because of that I never saw her love for me. There are words I want to say to her but I can't speak when she's there. I want to hug her back but something is holding me. I want to say 'I love you too' but now its too late...it's too late..." he said while crying. I caress his back. I may not understand the feeling when you lost someone you love but I know one thing is for sure that it really hurts. No words can describe your pain. I pull back and cupped his face. His eyes are red and swollen. I wipe his tears.

"Hushh...I'm sure wherever your mom is she can hear you, she can understand you and she's happy. She may not be here beside you physically but she will always stay at your heart." I said as I caress his face. He stop crying. His eyes are too sad as he look directly to my eyes. Those beautiful eyes full of feelings. 

Suddenly, his lips are on mine. A kiss that is full of sorrow. A tear of his fell on my face. I wrap my arms around his neck and respond to his kisses like saying that I'm always here. He lifted me and I wrap my legs around his torso. He put his hand on my back to support me. He slowly walk towards the bed. Tasting every kiss. Je gently lay me on the bed.

"Sleep with me tonight." He whisper. I nod and smile. He rest his forehead to mine.

"Promise me that you will never leave me. I can't afford to lose you. I love you and you are my life now. If I lose you, I would rather die." He said and kiss me. He never failed to make my heart skip a beat. 

"I promise and I love you too." I said between our kisses. "You're tired. Let's sleep." I suggested. He nod and lay beside me. He put his arms around my waist and my head on his chest. My favorite spot. 

"Goodnight, baby." He said then kiss my head. I snuggle to him closer. 

"Sweetdreams baby." I answer back and close my eyes. We sleep with each others arms.


I woke up as the sun rays touches my skin. I feel heavy then I realize Damon was tangled in me like vine. His legs wrap around mine and his arms on my waist and his head on my chest. I giggle a softly. I run my fingers through his soft hair. My poor baby. I don't want him up yet. I know he's too tired so, I wiggle a little and untangle myself to him. Maybe I should prefare some breakfast. I walk to his kitchen and I found nothing. The cabinets are all empty. Even the the refrigerator. I sigh and shook my head. Suddenly, I heard a loud groan.

"Krystal!!!" Damon cried. I run back to his room. Then I saw him sitting on his bed, catching his breathe and look worried. 

"What happened?" I asked as I walk closwr to him. His eyes darted on me then he jump off the bed and hug me real tight. I almost can breathe.

"Da-mon. I ca-n't-" I utter then he loosen up his hug and cupped my face.

"I thought you we're gone. I was so scared when I woke up you were not on my side." He said worriedly. I chuckle and kiss him. It was just a smack. 

"Sorry if I made you worry. I just went to ktichen to prepare some breakfast but I found nothing." I said then pout. He sigh as a sign of relief. He kiss my forehead.

"You silly little girl. Lets just go to the convenient store and eat." He said then take my hand. 

"Ugh. Fine." I mutter and let him drag me. 

We finally reached the convenient store since it was just in front of the condominium. We enter and decided to have sandwich and milk for breakfast. We eat outside the store.

"You should buy some foods later!" I scold him. He shrug and smile.

"Ok. But you have to come with me." He said then smirk. I roll my eyes then laugh.

"Fine. Lazy jerk." I teased and chuckle. We finish our foods and head back to his room. A black van suddenly stop in front of us, blocking our way. Damon grip my hand. Then four men in black came out and snatch me away from Damon. I tried to scream but they cover my mouth with a handkerchief. I hold my breathe. I saw Damon tried to fight those guys but they were too strong. Damon never give up but the other guy hit his head with a gun making him unconcious. My eyes widened then I tried to struggle but I was becoming weak and sleepy.


I scream in my head before everything goes black.

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