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The door bell rang at the time as I finish packing up my things. "Unnie! I have to go! Byebye!" I yelled as I run to the door.

"Okay! Bye! Take care!" I heard her screamed from the bathroom. I smile and open the door then I saw Chanyoong smiling brightly at me. How refreshing.

"Hi." I said and giggle. He smirk then hold my hand.

"Hi there honey." He said then kiss my cheeks. We walk, until we enter the elevator. The door was about to close when someone forcely open it. It was Minho. I gasp. He stand beside me. I saw Damon glaring at him. I look at Minho who is also glaring at Damon. Why I don't have a good feeling about this? They could kill each other through their glares. Suddenly, Damon shifts to left, so I am now in the corner and he's beside Minho. He wrap his arm around my waist as he smirk at Minho. I just shook my head. Whatever going on within this two, I don't want to know. This is so exasparating. At last the elevator reach the ground floor, we all hurried to get out and make our way to school.

As we walked through the hallway I can hear some gossips...

"She is not that pretty..."

"I know right! I'm prettier than her! Maybe she threatened Chanyoong to be her boyfriend."

"They don't look good."

"She must be good in bed. Hahahah."

I grip on Damon's hands to stop him from beating whoever said that. I look at him and shook my head. He sigh and pull me closer to him. I admit that I'm not that pretty but those last words that I heard was very offending. My heart just sinks after hearing that. I look down as we continue to walk. "Don't mind them. They are just jealous." He said and smile. My spirit lifted a little.

"Damon!!!." A girl screams and wrap her hands on his arms then spank his head. My eyes widened with shock. "Pabo! Don't be a slowpoke! We're gonna be late!" She said drag Damon away from me. He didn't even got the chance to say goodbye to me. What the hell? Who is that girl? Don't tell me his one of Damon's fling? I feel like a thousand needles pierce to my heart. No. Maybe she's just her friend. I'm just overthinking things. I went to my classroom. I suddenly feel gloomy.

"Yah! What's wrong? Why are you so gloomy today? Did you and Chanyoong have a fight?" Sulli ask as soon as I sit to my chair. I shook my head and form a small smile.

"Nothing. Can I ask you something? Please answer me honestly." I said seriously. She just nod.

"Don't we look good together? I I not pretty for him?" I asked almost a whisper. Sulli suddenly smash her hands on my desk making me flinch.

"Where the freakin' hell did you get this idea?! You? Not pretty? Who ever said that I'm gonna rip her eyes off! Don't be affected on whatever you hear. They are just gossips. You're pretty-no! You are beautiful! Arrasso?" She said with threatening voice. I blink my eyes as I nod hopelessly. She has a point. I should not be affected on what other are saying about me. What is more important is what I think about myself. Minho suddenly came then I saw Sulli stiffened and flush. I narrow my eyes on her. Hmmm...

"Do you like Minho?" I whisper. Her eyes widened.

"NO!" She exclaimed while shooking her head firmly. I laugh. She's so obvious.

"You can't lie to me Sulli. I know you and based on you reactions I think I already know the answer." I said playfully. She sigh and rest her head on her desk.

"Yes, don't you find him attractive? He's handsome,tall,dark and...he's just perfect." She said with dreamy eyes. I roll my eyes on her.

"Whatever you say. The only man I find attractive was Damon." I shrug. She glare at me.

"Argh. Whatever!" She said cross her arms on her chest. The teacher came and the class starts. After a long boring hours, finally its break time. We hurried to the cafeteria. We immediately saw Amber,Luna and Ria. Aww. I miss them! We sit and starts to talk to each other. I told them that I really miss them. In the middle of our conversation, Damon came with the girl earlier and she's still clinging to him. I look at them with blank expression.

"Wait. Don't get the wrong idea. She is just my friend." He explain as he remove her hands. I raise my one eyebrow indicating that I do not believe him. The girl suddenly laugh.

"Told you she'll be jealous! Hahaha." She said then tap Damon's shoulder and face me."What he's saying is true. I'm his close friend. I'm just messing up with you two. Hahaha. It's fun!" She said then laugh again. I gape at her. So, she's just joking around? I suddenly feel embarassed.

"By the way, I'm Da eun. Nice to meet you." She said then stretch out her hand. I took her hand and shake.

"I'm Krystal, and this is Sulli, Ria,Luna and Amber. They are my friends." I said as I introduce them. They say their hi to Da eun. We sit there together as we eat our lunch. Da eun suddenly move closer to me and whisper something.

"Thank you for changing him." She whisper. I look at her confused.

"I don't know what you are talking about." I said innocently. She just smile and wink. I think we can easily get closer to each other. She's not that bad. Maybe we may become close to each other. There's an alarm for announcement.

To all senior students. We would like to inform you that the start of graduation practice will be tomorrow and by the last day of the week you should bring your parents for the general practice and on the graduation day itself. That's all .thank you

I look at Damon who is bewildered on what he just heard. Me too. I'm shock. I almost forgot that we're about to graduate in a few weeks. He stand up and drag me along with him. We go to the rooftop. I know he was worried about the announcement earlier."So, what are you going to do?" I asked as he caress my hair.

"Hmmm. Then I won't graduate." He shrug as he hug me. I push him away making him shocked.

"Pabo! What are you saying? Is this because you're not in good terms with your mother?" I exclaimed. I can't believe him. He would give up his studies just because he hate his mother. He remained silent.

"You should reconcile with your mother." I said firmly.

"No!" He shout. I hold his hands.

"This is the only way to find peace in your heart. Don't worry I will stay beside you." I assure him. He sigh and close his eyes. He nod slowly. I smile slowly form on my face.

"Good! Then we're going to meet her after class!" I said excitedly. I'm anticipating what she looks like. He shook his head.

"I won't go until I get a kiss." He said. I smirk and give him a smack.

"You had your kiss and that is enough. We are going to your mother later. Arrasso?" I assure. He nod again. What will be result later? Will Damon and her mother reconcile?

BedFriends[SesTal Fanfic]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon