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She was late. Very late. But she got coffee so she didn't care as much. 

Today marked her first day as an Avenger and of course she would fail to make a good impression. 

"Sabrina Dawson, the newest addition to the avengers. She is only twenty, but has the reputation of Captain America with the younger generation. Her latest mission was on the outskirts of Scandinavia where she single-handedly took down thirty-two undercover HYDRA agents. We've recruited her because she has the skill set of almost all of us combined. So, I will shut my mouth so you can formally meet her." Tony said, standing at the round table after briefing everyone on her profile.

"Please, Stark, call me Bri. I'm tired of the teenage witch jokes." Bri huffed as she slipped into the conference room. She took a seat at the end of the round table and crossed her arms. "So I guess this is not much of a formal introduction, but I'm Bri and I like to party."

Bird man rolled his eyes and turned to her, "Aren't you like fifteen?"

"Someone obviously doesn't listen because last time I checked I was born twenty years ago, chicken boy." She said, gripping the edge of the table and glaring at him. 

"HA! I like Lady Sabrina." Thor chuckled loudly, pointing at me from a few seats down. 

Bri smirked, admiring him with a hand under her chin, "I like you too, handsome." Then gave him a not-so-subtle wink.

Tony sighed loudly and wiped his face, already annoyed with everything. The noise turned everyone's attentions back to him. "Anyways..." He started briefing everyone on a mission and Bri was absolutely lost. "So Bri, Steve will start training you and the twins for the rest of the day and we have to move out as early as possible when we get the word. Is everyone clear?" 

Surprisingly, everyone in the room nodded and stood up to go back to work. Bri followed Captain America out into the hallway and she figured she would probably need to know what was actually happening.

"The Maximoff twins were rescued earlier this week. They go by Wanda and Pietro, so try to be friendly for a minute. We're fighting against Ultron so for the love of all things precious we really need you, and them, to focus. Please leave your attitude here and do not bring it to the field under any circumstances." Steve basically filled her in as they walked toward, what she assumed to be, the training facility. 

Bri stayed quiet for the sake of his comment. It kind of pissed her off that they had met five minutes before and he already made up his mind that she was a total asshole. He's not totally wrong but she wished he would've given her a chance. 

The automatic doors slid open, much like a Wal-Mart which made her stifle a laugh, and they immediately heard grunts. Steve sat his shield down and crossed his arms, looking at the pair with pure amusement. 

"Pietro, you cannot use super speed against your own blood relative!" A girl in a black outfit whined. She had a thick accent but Bri wasn't able to recognize where it was from. 

"Wanda, you saw that coming, think faster." The boy with nice Adidas shoes and shaggy blonde hair circled his sister, chuckling when she'd lunge and he'd dodge quickly. 

Wanda quickly landed on the ground with a groan and started glaring at Pietro. She was about to insult him until Cap interrupted the quarrel. 

"Okay, that's enough. You both need a break while I show the new girl some basics." Bri squinted at him, jutting out a hip. Did he really not know her background? Did he not even look at the manilla folder Stark placed in front of him? She was so over it at this point and just wanted to kick his ass. 

Swiftly kicking his feet out from under him, twisting his leg, and grabbing a hold of his arms, she leant down and whispered, "How basic is that for you, old man?"

Bri didn't have time to listen to his groans as she walked towards the twins. Holding out a hand for both of them to shake, Wanda grabbed it first and smiled at her. "Hello, Tony has told us a lot about you." 

"Terrible things I bet." she laughed. "I'm Bri, by the way."

"Bri." Pietro smirked, yanking her hand from Wanda and kissing the top gently. "I hope we'll be getting to know each other."

She looked over to Wanda, giving her a look. She pinched the bridge of her nose and shook her head. "Okay, lover boy. Nice to meet you too."

"BRI!" Steve yelled.

"Oops! Gotta make sure he didn't break a hip, be back in a few!" Bri waved to my her friends and strutted to Cap. "Yes, sir?" she batted my eyelashes.

"I guess I under estimated you. ." He dusted himself off, sighing.

"No shit, Steve."


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