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"I cannot believe she would do this." Tony was outraged. He was currently tuning up his suit while on the quinjet. "Wait until I get my hands on Barton, that son of a b-"

"Language." Steve tried to joke, hoping to lighten the mood.

"Shut the hell up, Rogers. This is all your fault." Tony shot daggers at him.

Sam held is hands up and tried to calm them both down. "If she's made it this long without having to call for backup, then she must be fine. There is one thing I know from having PTSD myself, and it is that we don't want help and we want to be independent."

"I have given her independence!" Tony leaned his head back and groaned. "She is supposed to take the medicine for the anxiety aspect of it."

Sam sat beside him and patted his shoulder. "Do you know that kid saved me from getting a bullet in my head? I thought she was just a civilian running for her life, but she tackled me to the ground and shoved me off the interstate ramp."

Steve's eyes widened slightly as he pretended to not be interested in the conversation. He never wanted to read her file after hearing "she's the Captain America of this generation." Steve wasn't jealous, oh no, he just wanted to know how someone could gain a reputation like he did without all the work.

"Yeah, Wilson. That stunt got her a knife to the leg and she nearly bled out before Natasha could call me." Tony was nearly crying. "If something like that ever happens again...it would be like losing a child."

Before Steve could butt in, the GPS monitor on the jet started to beep. "We're close."

Tony suited up, clicking everything into place. "Cap, you and Sam stay on the jet. I'm going in."


After breakfast, which Bri insisted on paying for, Bucky took her to several places. They had walked past several local businesses that were almost too cute to pass by. Like she had predicted, he went to the park first. They looked out over the small pond and the fountain, sighing in peace. 

"Don't you wish life could be like this all the time?" Bucky asked, gesturing to the noiseless atmosphere. 

Bri nodded. "It is relaxing, but I think I would miss the night life of New York."

"Ah, honey." Bucky placed his arm around Bri's shoulder. "You haven't seen a proper night on the town until you've met Bucky Barnes."

Bri rolled her eyes and laughed. In that moment she almost forgot why she was there. He seemed like he was better, at least he hadn't had an outburst yet. They had even formed a slight friendship in the short time of knowing each other. 

"Okay, let's go see your precious university." Bucky joked, grabbing her left hand with his right one.

"You know..." Bri trailed off. "I've never actually been anywhere in Bucharest, besides the campus." They were now walked back towards Bucky's apartment and her hotel to catch a bus.

"How come?" Bucky asked, a brow raised as he adjusted his baseball cap.

Bri looked over her shoulder at the apartment building. "I wanted to get a place in there so I could learn more about the culture here, but I ended up only staying for a semester so I just roomed in a dorm."

Bucky's eyes widened. "You mean that building right there?!" He pointed behind them. "That's where I live!"

Bri faked amusement as she gasped. "And to think we could've met a long time ago."

"It's fate, doll." Bucky winked, wrapping his right arm around her to hug her. "Here comes the bus."

And in that moment, thats when Bri saw it. Tony's suit.

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