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"I finally asked her on a date and she said yes!" Bucky gushed to Steve.

Steve grinned at how excited Bucky was. He had barged in the room at nearly midnight, complaining how he was so jittery and nervous. "That's great, Buck!"

Bucky ran his hands through his hair and sighed. His face held a sense of disbelief and he continued to pace the length of Steve's room. "Where do I take her after coffee? Oh shit, Steve. I haven't even planned anything!"

"Well, you can't take her anywhere because you don't have a license." Steve pointed out, laying back on his bed and folding his hands behind his neck. "If you really need a chauffeur, I could take you guys. The government gave me a license out of pity a few years ago."

Bucky scoffed. "Yes, because having your best friend third wheeling is sooo romantic."

Steve shrugged. "Just thinking out loud, here."

Suddenly, the door opened and the topic of discussion popped her head through the entrance. "Hey, Buck?"

Bucky's head snapped towards her and his hands flew to his hips. He was awkwardly standing with his legs still in the same place but his torso was completely facing her. Steve started giggling at how fast his face turned red. "Yeah, doll?"

Bri rolled her eyes at the nickname. "What time do you want to get coffee? I was going to go ahead and lay out my clothes if you wanted to go early."

"Is eight good with you?" Bucky bit his lip and raised a brow.

"Absolutely." Bri winked. "See ya then!"

As soon as the door shut, Bucky let out the breath he had been holding in. His posture slumped and he was even more worried after knowing she'd probably look beautiful as hell tomorrow.

"You've got it bad, jerk." Steve lightly laughed to himself. "Go get some sleep and just go with the flow on your date. Bri is probably freaking out as much as you right now."

"Shut up, punk. You don't know what you're talking about."

And she was nervous.

Bri had forced Wanda into her room as soon as she recovered from her phone fight with Tony.

"What the hell do I wear? I've never been on a date before, Wan!" Bri rocked back and forth on the balls of her feet. "I'm freaking out! This is exactly why I ran away the first time!!"

Wanda simply sat on her friends bed and bit at her nails to keep her from laughing. "Where are you going? Did he tell you?"

"No, but we are getting coffee to start." Bri pulled her hair into a messy bun because she had now started to nervously sweat. The panic was setting in. "Should I just wear a hoodie and jeans?"

"No!" Wanda groaned. She flopped down on the mattress and ran a hand over her face. "Go ask him what time you're leaving tomorrow. I can come back in the morning and help you get ready, but Bri, I am hella tired right now."

Bri picked at the loose thread on her Stanford sweatshirt and sighed. "I'm sorry for keeping you up, this is all stupid. I don't even know why I'm nervous! It's just Bucky."

Wanda giggled. "I'm not mad at you and this is not stupid! It's your first date, so you have every right to be nervous. I just think I would be more helpful after a few hours of sleeping. Now, shoo! He's in Steve's room."

"How did-"

"Bucky is thinking so loud, it is driving me insane."

Bri nodded and told Wanda to stay put while she ran down the hall.

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