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*DAMN!! 12K READS!!! ILY ALL AND THANK YOU SO MUCH! also: do you guys feel like I'm going too slow? do you want more slow-burn chapters or more sped up and more action filled? just trying to figure out how to update from now on💖*

Bucky walked back to the compound completely sulking.

As soon as he'd thrown open his bedroom door and flopped down to groan, in total dramatic agony, Wanda appeared at the doorway.

"Hey, Bucky." She waved, entering his room to stand at the end of his bed.

"What." Bucky nearly spat, keeping his head shoved between his pillow and the one that smelled like Bri's shampoo.

"I'm really sorry about your date." Wanda weakly smiled and tapped his foot so she could sit. "I just want you to know Bri was really excited about today."

His head snapped towards his favorite girl's best friend. "She was?"

"Yes!" Wanda almost cackled, throwing her head back. "She made me help her calm down last night and pick out her clothes to wear. This was the first date she's ever been on."

"Dammit, Wanda. Don't tell me that!" Bucky groaned.

Wanda rolled her eyes. "Think of it as a practice round before the real thing."

"The practice round was really shitty." Bucky faintly smiled. "But Bri looked really gorgeous this morning, thank you for helping her."

Wanda's heart was ready to burst when she saw the blush on Bucky's cheeks and the loving look in his eyes. "You really like her, don't you?"

He turned over completely and sat up to face her. Bucky ran his hands over his thighs nervously, then he sighed. "Yes, a lot. I like her so much that it scares me, Wanda."

Wanda nodded and waved her hand to tell him to continue.

Bucky had been spending a lot of time with Bri over the countless months he had been at the compound. She made his day better and she was kind of all he talked about during his therapy sessions with Dr. McCoy. 

He was excited to see her everyday, even though she lived less than ten feet away. Bucky loved just being near her, and he especially loved getting to hold her through a night that would have been restless without her.

She always smelled like autumn. Whether it was the scent of pumpkins, blackberries, marshmallows, or just the smell of something that had clung to her clothes while cooking...Bucky loved it. Not to be creepy, but just getting a whiff of her comforting smell grounded him and it helped him feel at home and at ease.

"I had the perfect idea of getting her favorite breakfast, then we were going to go sit and talk at her favorite park to discuss what was going on between us. I even called ahead to that Prince Pizza place her and Sam rave about all the time! Wanda, I was trying too hard. I should have known better that something would have went wrong. She looked so disappointed when she walked out of Starbucks." Bucky huffed. "But I know she needs space after things go wrong and I respect that, I'm the same way. It's just that I love her so mu- oh shit I said that out loud."

"Bucky!" Wanda gasped, clapping her hands.

"No, no, no, no. You did not hear that!" He waved a finger in front of her face. "I-I was just on a tangent and was rambling..I didn't really mean it!!"

Wanda rolled her eyes. "Yes you did. I can read your mind, dumbass."

Bucky pouted.

"And you shouldn't be ashamed of hiding your feelings, Buck. Bri just has trouble expressing hers because she's never been through something like this. You should have heard her last night! And the fact that you, of all people with terrible anxiety, called a public place and wanted to take her there- Bucky, you're so good to her already!!"

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