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"I'm not fucking going!"

Bucky awoke to loud voices in the hall.

He patted the spot next to him where Bri had slept, but was met with slightly cold sheets. Bucky's tired figure sat up and his hands flew up to his head. He gasped before realizing Bri had tied his hair up. He thought someone had came in and shaved his head during the night.

Bucky wiped the sleep from his eyes and the drool from the corners of his mouth before swinging the covers off of him. He ventured to Bri's cracked bedroom door and pulled it open to reveal Bri, Steve, Natasha, and Tony.

"Good morning, Mr. Sleepyhead." Bri winked at him.

The color ran to his cheeks quickly and he whipped around to peer back at the bedside clock. It was nearly eleven.

"Hi." Bucky said, clearly very embarrassed that he had slept that long. "Why are you yelling, doll?"

"Doll?" Tony mimicked, his voice exasperated and full of disbelief. "I do not think so. Listen here, Bucko-" He held out a finger to poke Bucky's chest before Bri pulled him away.

Bucky held his hands up in defense and slowly gravitated over towards Steve.

"These assholes want me to go eat dinner at my brother's house. They have totally disregarded the fact that I am very busy and my hands are all tied up." Bri smirked proudly.

Nat coughed under her breath. "Rewatching Parks and Recreation for the fourth time doesn't count as being busy; just lazy."

"Watch your mouth." Bri spat, glaring at her so-called friend. "I'm still not going."

Steve put his arm around Bucky's shoulder and leaned into him a bit. "What if I clear you from missions for a month?"

Bri and Tony both snapped their necks towards Cap. "Really?" They both asked.

Steve nodded and shrugged, looking to Nat for backup. It wasn't really a bad idea. Bri was actually considering it.

"Steve, I still need her to work with Pepper and I." Tony stated. "It technically wouldn't be time off work."

"Oh, I have a solution!" Bri spoke up, pointing at an imaginary light bulb above her head. "I just won't go." She pushed past the four people in the hallway and made her way to the stairs. Of course, they all followed.

Bri continued to ignore the nagging voices behind her as they entered the kitchen. Thank god it was Vision's day to cook. He made the best cinnamon French toast and Bri always wondered how he was good at cooking if he couldn't eat. Wanda said it was partially because he strictly followed cookbook instructions and she taste tested every once in a while.

"Hey, Sammy." Bri bumped her hip into Sam's side as she sat beside him.

"They're trying to convince you, again, I presume?" He asked in a very delicate tone.

"Who?" Bri joked. "Can't hear a thing over Tony breathing down my damn neck."

The two laughed and waited for the others to finally sit down before they stacked their plates full. Vision had made scrambled eggs, an array of sausages and bacon, the best cinnamon French toast in the galaxy, and a fruit bowl.

Bri and Sam gave each other a look, silently praying to whoever was listening for making Vision such a blessing to the team. They both piled their plates high, claiming they were both carb loading for their intense workout. Sam planned on actually going for a run as soon as his food settled and Bri decided she just might join him to save him some embarrassment. She never understood why he went running with two super soldiers that were faster than an actual car.

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