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**HEYOOOO you guys should listen to It Ends Tonight by All-American Rejects after reading this chapter!!! Let me know what you think!**

"Tony, please answer me at least once. I'm going crazy over here not knowing what's wrong or where you even are! I'm sorry if I did something to hurt you, or Pepper, but please tell me so I{ can fix it. I really miss you both and just want our little family to be back together."

Tony pressed the home button on his phone and tossed it on the table. Bri sounded so broken over him ignoring her, but he couldn't let this go. After Pepper told him how offended and hurt she looked when she left the compound, Tony knew he shouldn't blame her for Bucky's faults.

Bri only wanted to help Steve find him and get Bucky help. She saw the good in everyone, even if they had tried to kill her on more than one occasion. Bri called him as soon as Pepper had left. She was sniffling and he could tell she was probably clenching and unclenching her palm as she talked. It was always a nervous habit of hers.

He was also anxious that Thor and Bri were reuniting at the moment. Tony was fine until Vision had informed him that the God of Thunder brought the God of Mischief with him.

What if she went to Asgard with them?

What if she wanted to live there instead of here?

What if Bri felt abandoned by him and Pepper and left out of spite?

His inner thought made him want to jump off the couch and sprint to the compound.

"You should really tell her." Pepper entered the room, leaning against the doorway with her arms crossed. "I can't keep this up."

Tony rubbed his face and sighed. "I know, honey. I just- I just can't go back there while he's there."

"Then bring Bri here!" Pepper insisted. "You two have never went this long without FaceTiming or visiting."

"Pep, I can't rip her away from her new family. She needs to know where she came from. The whole point of tracking Thor was so she could have someone directly related to her."

"Tony, cut the bullshit. You are basically her dad and you two have an amazing bond. If it walks like a dad and talks like a dad, it's a dad."

"I don't walk like a dad."

"Trust me, babe. You do." Pepper crinkled her nose and left the room.


"How did you find this information out?" Thor asked, twirling his hammer around, making Loki jolt to the side every few seconds.

"Dr. Cho." Bri shrugged, rubbing her arms in the twenty degree weather. "We did blood work and she said we were almost alike."

Loki scoffed. "I've been his brother for a thousand years and you think you can come in a take over?"

"Hmm, like you tried to do here a few years ago?" Bri sassed back, narrowing her eyes at him.

"Hush, siblings. We are a family now." Thor smiled brightly. "The wizard told me about this when he captured Loki with his magic."

"I didn't know it was going to happen! I can't see into the future, I'm not a witch." Loki complained.

Bri snorted. "Then why are you dressed like one?"

Loki placed his hand on his chest and frowned.

"Ouch." Bucky commented, pulling the two from their fight. "How about we go inside and catch up?"

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