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Pepper had joined Bri in the kitchen right before dinner was scheduled to start. She apologized profusely for leaving, but Happy had just got the word that the construction crew were coming to finalize their plans to remodel the tower tomorrow.

"My two favorite ladies." Tony grinned, reaching his arms out to pull Pepper and Bri into a hug. "This all smells delightful."

"It was all Bri." Pepper smiled, leaning her head on his shoulder.

Tony raised his eyebrows in disbelief. There was more than enough food to feed the compound for a week. "Well, in that case, I need to raise your allowance."

Bri turned to him with furrowed brows. "You've never given me an allowance and if I find out I've been scammed for almost eight years I will dick punch you."

Tony simply laughed at her comment. She really did feel like his daughter, even though they weren't biologically related. Bri was shy at first when Tony took her in. She quickly became accustomed to his banter and wit, so she guessed it just rubbed off on her. It was nice when they got to spend some time together, even if it was a short few minutes.

"LETS GET THIS PARTY STARTED!" Sam howled, entering the kitchen with a cheese platter. "And before you ask, Bri, this is for the football game after dinner." He had seen the questioning look on her face because Pepper had specifically asked people to bring desserts or drinks.

"I guess FRIDAY can call everyone down then." Tony took his seat at the end of the table, Pepper sitting next to him.

Wanda and Vision were the next two to file in, taking the available spots at the opposite end of the table. Bri quickly slid her drink over to the spot in front of Wanda because she did not want to sit anywhere near Tony when he got started eating. He always ate like he was a vacuum. Sam took a seat next to Bri, wanting to talk to her about the game coming up later. They were really the only two in the tower that would sit for several hours to watch grown men toss a ball around. 

Steve was the last to arrive at dinner. He looked distraught and almost mad. His eyes shifted to Bri, glaring at her for a quick second, then to the seat in front of Tony. Steve thought he and Bucky would be sitting next to each other, but when he knocked on his door he was met with a sharp, "leave me the hell alone."

"Okay, team." Tony clapped his hands and stood at the head of the table. "Bri has made this meal for us today, so lets make her eat first so we know it's not poisoned."

"Tony." Bri groaned at his comment. 

"I heard Bucky also helped!" Wanda chimed in and offered a  smile to Bri.

"Anyways," He rolled his eyes, "This year has been hard on all of us, but I appreciate the teamwork and initiative to keep pushing through. With that being said, I say we all dig in to this delicious feast and raise a toast to another year of being- HEY!" He screamed.

Everyone had started filling their plates, ignoring Tony's words and protests.

"Old man, we don't have time for your long ass speech." Sam said, flinging some potatoes onto his plate. "But Bri did tell me you have to drink some gravy straight from this." He slid the bowl down the table.

Dinner was going wonderfully. Bri was proud of the job she and Bucky did, but she wished he would've let her talk to him so he could be here enjoying it. She was ripped from her thoughts when her phone started buzzing in her pocket.


hey! I'm about thirty minutes from the compound. did you make me a plate?


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