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Everything was happening in slow motion.

Sam watched in horror as Bucky started flipping more switches on the control board. He was concentrated on his goal and didn't even bother to look up once. Bri was screaming and the noise from the start up of the machine was almost drowning her out. 

"Buck, man. You know this isn't you. You don't need to do this." Sam pleaded, gesturing towards Steve and Bri.

Steve was still passed out from losing a great deal of blood, and Sam was absolutely angered by the fact that Nat had fled from the scene. He was also pissed that Steve got them into this mess. Bri had been right, Bucky shouldn't have gone on the mission and Steve should have let her plan it.

Did no one know what was happening? Was the rest of the team even outside?

"BUCKY, PLEASE!" Bri wailed, letting her head slump forwards in defeat.

Bucky's dead, cold eyes glanced from the two men in the corner, then back to the girl in the chamber. There was something strangely familiar about this whole situation, but he had orders to complete. 

Bri was now nervous sweating. There was no way out of this and she knew Sam and Steve were not in the position to take Bucky down. She screamed and tried her best to shift her weight to kick at the door, but it was no use. She was trapped.

The large needles filled with the revamped super soldier serum were millimeters away from piercing her skin. Bri had watched the video of Steve and how painful it was for him. How would it change her? 

As soon as Bri felt the first needle, the entire atmosphere around her turned purple. She frantically looked around the metal case and realized her hands and hair were purple, much like Wanda's when she was in battle.

"Please, please don't let me go like this." She squeezed her eyes shut and let a tear fall.

Her eyes opened to be faced with an old man dressed in a pale suit. 

He was wearing an eyepatch and sported a long white beard. He smiled at Bri and beckoned her to walk towards him. The man was standing near the edge of a cliff then sat on a large rock, patting the spot next to him while holding out a hand.

Bri's eyebrows furrowed, but she felt at peace with the man. Her head tilted to the side as she tried to recognize him. He was strangely familiar, like they had a connection. She slowly walked towards him and gently placed her hand in his. 

"I've been waiting so long to meet you." The man spoke, his voice sounding weak and fragile.

She took the time to take in her surroundings once more, realizing her own clothing had changed. Her purple colored tactical suit was now replaced with a gold and eggplant colored suit of armor, topped off with a golden helmet similar to the one she had seen Thor wear once.

"Who are you?" Bri asked, feeling him grasp her hand a little tighter as he sighed.

"Odin." He gave her a side smile, then looked out towards the horizon. "Your father."

Her eyes widened and her head snapped towards him. "Why are you meeting me now? Where is Thor? Why am I here? I need to help my friends."

Odin chuckled under his breath, "My child, I always knew you would be the protector- an Angel for your siblings. Heimdall will find you as soon as you prove yourself."

Bri just gave him a look, feeling herself getting light headed. What did he mean?

"All will be explained soon, my dear, but it's time for me to go." He patted her hand as he let go. "I need you to find yourself. Use your power. Your strength will help you and your brothers in the end. Fight until the end."

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