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"We've found a Hydra base in New Jersey."

That was all Steve had to say to make both Bucky and Bri go rigid.

Bri reached under the table and grabbed Bucky's hand, squeezing it tightly. Both of their hands were sweaty so she knew she wouldn't be able to tease him about it later. She gave a questioningly look to Steve and he shook his head at her to answer worries.

It wasn't the one Ian worked for. Thank god.

"I got intel from Hill about thirty minutes ago. She said threats were being made directly towards the compound and I have a feeling we're going to need all hands on deck for this one." Steve placed his hands on the conference table and glanced up at Bucky.

"Against who-" Wanda tried to ask.

"No." Bri tugged Bucky's arm into her lap. "Not happening, Rogers. He is staying here. If there are threats being made that could endanger him, then the last place he needs to be is out there."

"I have to agree with Bri on this one. He hasn't been cleared yet, Steve. We can't just throw him into the field, it'll basically be like fishing bait!" Nat kicked her feet onto the table. "What if something went wrong? He needs to stay here."

The room turned into a debate and soon every member of the team started voicing their opinion. Peter and Wanda were also on Bri and Nat's side, saying they know how rushing into things can take a toll on mental health. Steve and Sam, on the other hand, argued that Bucky was ready to fight and it was the perfect timing. Vision was on the fence of both sides. He knew the consequences the addition to the team suffer, but then again...they were four members down. Rhodey had somehow just disappeared along with Tony, and no one knew when Thor and Bruce were coming back.

"You know, the men on this team have a history of being unreliable." Wanda started. "I don't mean to insult Bucky, but if we go through with this, we are facing the potential of losing another team member."

Everyone became silent. They were all trying to come up with a solution to appease everyone.

"Can I speak for a second without being talked across? I mean, I'm still in the room and this is pertaining to me." Bucky spoke up, releasing Bri's hand. He got up from his seat and walked towards Steve, who was at the very end of the table.

Bri sighed through her nose and silently pleaded that Bucky would make the right decision.

"I know Hydra like the back of my hand." Bucky cracked his knuckled, then his neck. "While I do not think it's a good idea for me to go, I will have to face them at some point- Bri, stop looking at me like that."

Bri glared at him. She knew he was doing this to make Steve happy, but there was no way he was actually considering facing the people that made him a prisoner of war for fifty years.

Bucky looked at her with raised eyebrows. "If it's the base that I think it is..I've been there and I know it inside and out."

Steve nodded a knowing look coming across his face. "Base three twenty-six?"

"Been there." Bucky grimaced, painful memories running through his mind. "Done that."

That was the place where he had been kept back in the nineteen-nineties. It was where he was instructed to obtain the perfect super soldier serum from Howard Stark so they could move over to Siberia. He was instructed to kill anyone in sight, as well, or he'd be punished for weeks.

"If Bucky is going then he will be staying with me the entire time." Bri demanded. "And Peter will be doing the job within the control room."

Before anyone could agree, Steve slid a manilla folder towards the girl at the opposite end of the table. "Not a chance."

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