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**I am so sorry if this sucks. I've been having a rough time and the person that I go to for my writing inspiration has been super busy as well. Please enjoy this chapter, if possible, and make sure to leave some predictions!! and thank you for 50K reads!!<3**

"You don't understand!" Steve shouted.

"Tony, she shot her brother with a gun." Natasha sat in the chair in front of Tony's desk. Her eyebrows were arched with concern as she tried to detect any sort of emotion on Stark's face. "She's clearly not okay!"

The man in front of her sat with his arms crossed, leaning as far back as possible in his chair. To Nat, it seemed as if Tony had just threw his entire relationship with Bri out the window. She thought it was completely stupid for him to hold a grudge just because Bri wanted to help someone out and simply make a better life for them.

Bri had a whole lot more compassion for people than the entire team combined.

It had taken Nat and Steve a few tries to even get into the building. Tony had the most random-ass security guards in the most random-ass places. Nat had to strangle a few, just enough to knock them unconscious for a little while, and Steve threw a couple over his shoulder and acted as a human shield.

If it wasn't for Natasha's excellent flirting skills, especially when Happy stood outside of Tony's office door, they would have been right back at square one. Getting their butts escorted to the lawn.

"It is my fault for all of this happening," Steve interjected, patting his thighs as he started to stand. "I take full responsibility for it, but if you won't even listen to us then we'll take matters into our own hands."

"You wanted to bring Barnes here, you can surely take him back." Tony calmly said. "So, yeah...it is your fault!"

Steve held a hand out for Natasha to take, waiting for her to exit the building with him, but she smacked it out of her line of vision and pounded her fist against Tony's desk. It reminded him of Bri's outrageous rampages and when she used to threaten to destroy his expensive desks.

"I don't know why you're acting like such an asshole right now! Yes, Steve and I did dumb things on the mission that made Bri want to leave and refuse to talk to us, but you haven't even said a word to her since New Years." Her nostrils flared and her eyes narrowed. "Bri needs you, Tony. Please get your head out of your ass and try to comfort your child."

"Hm." Tony grunted, still keeping his face rid of any emotion. "Interesting, considering she disobeyed my only wish and lost every ounce of my trust."

"Now. Now we can leave." Natasha finally stood next to a dumbfounded Steve and straightened her jacket. She pointed to the door and shoved Steve towards it. "Damn asshole."

Tony rolled his eyes and spun around in his chair before demanding them to halt. "Wait, do you guys even know where she is?"

The two turned around, both looking unimpressed. Their silence was an immediate answer.

"She went to Clint's. He called me as soon as she got there. Clint said they talked everything out, she was perfectly fine, and she left earlier to go back to the compound."

Natasha scowled. "How come Clint didn't call me? I'm his best friend."

"Yeah, well, looks like your spots been taken after Bri gave him a rundown of the mission. Besides, her phone is Stark issued, so even if it's turned off I still know where she is."

Steve bit his lip. "So she's back at the compound? We can go! Nat, I need to apologize."

"Hold your horses, cowboy." Tony gave him a disgusted look. "You know good and well she will be with him as soon as she gets there. You need to forget about whatever little crush you have on her and focus on tearing them apart."

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