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**UH all I can say is wOW 6K reads??!! thank you so much for reading and I hope you like this mess of a chapter!!*


Can you come to my room?


it's 7 am? are you okay?


Yes, just come here.

Why do you never capitalize your texts?


all the cool kids type like this. it's for the aesthetic 

why can't you come to my room?


because I just want to hold you and talk and I know you've had a rough couple of days

and I miss you

....and I just got comfortable

is that okay?


I am on my way just because you're so freaking cute

"Hello, Bucky Bear." Bri giggled after she had charged through his door and pounced on his bed.

"Ya know..." Bucky lifted the covers and held out an arm for her to snuggle into him. "The nickname is kind of growing on me. Good morning, gorgeous." He kissed the top of her head and let her situate herself on his chest. 

There was some kind of New Years Eve Gala that Tony and Pepper were hosting back at the tower tonight, but Bri and Bucky both knew they weren't going. Nat, Sam, Rhodey, and Steve were the only four from the team actually attending. Wanda and Vis said they wanted another day of freedom before missions started pouring in, Bucky considered himself not invited, Bri hated parties, and Peter wasn't allowed due to being a small child.

"I demand we have a lazy day, then stay up all night to watch fireworks." Bucky pointed over to the closed curtains that were covering his window. "We can just lay here and have deep conversations."

Bri nodded and tucked her head into the space between his neck and shoulder. She didn't really feel like saying anything. The last few days had really drained her, but she continued to force herself to keep her energy at a high level and put on a happy face. Bri mainly communicated with everyone through text, or if she did run into someone while she was out of her room, she'd keep the talking to a minimum.

Her visit with Ian kept worrying her. It bothered her even more that a boy that used to be so patriotic could start working for Hydra. How did he get there? Did he just reconnect with her to get closer to the Avengers? Were they still trying to find Bucky? What about his wife and kids? Did Ian really want to put them in danger?

The second thing keeping her mind running at night was the possibility that she could have ruined Steve's relationship. They were finally starting to sort of get along, but what if Steve blamed her for everything? Did the engagement rumors really bother Sharon that much, or was it something that had nothing to even do with Bri?

Also, where was Thor?? Vis and his Doctor Wizard friend had been on the prowl searching for information about his arrival. There hadn't been an update in over a week and Bri had no clue why she was worrying so much. Did Thor know? Would he accept the possibility of having a new sibling? Would Loki try to kill her again if he came with Thor?

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