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"Thor?!" Bri asked. Her eyes were wide and she clearly didn't believe the doctor in front of her.

Steve shook his head. "They don't even look similar. That is so weird."

Tony was now pacing across the floor and Pepper was trying to calm him down. Did Bri have hidden abilities? Were her parents actual Asgardians? Why didn't he figure this out sooner? Would she leave him and Pepper to go meet her family?

"Hey," Pepper held his shoulders still and prevented him from moving. "I think you need to cut this little award-winning meltdown and listen to Helen."

"Sorry for worrying about my child." Tony snapped.

"I can definitely go more into detail later, if you want. I could do it right now, but with Dr. Banner being absent, it is going to take twice as long for me to process everything and unravel the DNA samples." Helen explained

Bri nodded and agreed with her. Bruce could figure biological things out in no time. It was really doing a damper on Helen due to her overload of work. They were the best team on the entire east coast.

"Please, Dr. Cho, let me know if anyone else in the compound has something suspicious going on." Tony handed her the files back.

Rhodey helped Bri out of the chair, like she was the one needing physical help, and started escorting the group out. "Let's go tell everyone else before Tony sends out a mass text."

He ended up doing that before Rhodey had even said it.

"I literally have no words." Bri scooped some pasta into her bowl and sat at the dinner table. "I find it humorous."

Everyone was utterly pooped after training and physical evaluations. Natasha had made a heap of food for dinner and the team deserved it. After Dr. Cho broke the news to the select few avengers that had been in the lab with her, Bri kind of just brushed it off and carried on. There was no way she could be related to Thor. Yes, she was freaking out on the inside because her entire life was apparently a lie, but she didn't want her problems to affect the team.

"You know, it kind of makes sense." Sam said, taking his usual spot to the right of Bri.

Tony had taken the liberty of telling everyone via text, so of course they were all shooting questions at Bri. She let Steve and Tony answer for her just because she wasn't in the mood to talk and her mouth was always full of food. 

"What do you mean?" Steve asked, surprisingly taking the seat across from the pair.

Sam was just as nonchalant as Bri with the shocking news. He simply poured himself a cup of water and sat back in his seat. "I mean, Bri has always healed freakily fast. She is also hella strong, even though I know she goes to the gym once a week and hides a stash of Oreos in her room. And she's gorgeous, a ten out of ten, so it shouldn't be surprising that she could potentially be a goddess."

"Thanks, Sammy." Bri smiled, twirling her fork around. "But you know I am an eleven."

"I agree with that last bit." Wanda was the last one to speak her mind on the matter. "So, you could have an actual biological brother?"

Bri's eyes lit up. "I hadn't even thought about that." Her grin was so wide that she leaned her head down to try to conceal it. Having a sibling that was directly related to her was sort of exciting. Even though they'd missed out on the whole 'growing up' stage together, Bri was eager to confirm this news so she could celebrate. "I am actually kind of glad you guys aren't taking this out of proportion. Thor could just be a cousin or something."

"The DNA crossings were almost identical." Tony said, kissing the top of Bri's head as he passed her to take his rightful seat. "But nice try denying it, kiddo. I guess you're Point Break Junior now."

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