Robotic Technician!Alice Angel

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In this story you are a A.I. ( Artificial intelligence ) and Alice a technician, but you don't have emotions even though your very intelligence. You were friends with Googleplier and Bingsepticeye who try to help with your emotions with Google being a bad influence while Bing was the good influence. You are wearing what Mark is wearing in the image, but black and the G is replaced with a I and the tattoo is the Instagram icon or a Red cross which ever one you like.

You walked through the hallways of the place where you were created; they made you as a helper for people in their homes, making sure that the user is well and health as well as helping them with daily chores you were bascially Baymax. You were only a prototype along with other AIs which were named Googleplier and Bingsepticeye you were titled as Insta (Instagram) but you called (Y/N) by your assigned technician Alice, she will check on your system and make sure that your parts are well oiled and still attached but along those lines she would sure that you were well-treated by other technicians, wranglers, and engineers by standing in the back or sitting in there with you as they worked on you. As you walked through the hallways until you reached your destination; Ms.Angel's area. Opening the door quietly as Ms.Angel worked on something at her desk as you walked behind her chair looking over her shoulders seeing that she was tweeking with a green chip.


She jumped at the sudden presents behind her hurting her hand in the progress.

"Oh, (Y/N) didn't hear you come in."


You grabbed her hand scanning over her wounds detecting anything that could be infected, how deep it was and how long it heal you then opened the draw where she kept a medical kit taking out cotton balls, gloves, rubbing alcohol and ace bandages.

"You might wanna grip onto my shoulder for your right hand has a very deep cut, when I apply the rubbing alcohol it will hurt very much and don't worry about hurting me."

You said in a monotone voice as you applied the alcohol to the cotton, Ms.Angel held onto your shoulder ready for the cotton to touch her wound.


She nodded very scared as you held onto her hand gently as you dabbed the cotton on her hand as her grip tighten as you cleaned up her wounds, you threw away the used cotton then used a napkin to clean off remaining blood and applied the age bandages to her wound.

"I will need to change the bandages for next two weeks until then stay away from temperature and razor based tools."

You walked out of her area as she blushed at the attention she given by you and no surprise that Plier and Septiceye were outside of her door they smirked at you while you looked at them with a blank stare, this went on for a minute until you walked away with them on your tail. They did this for the next 3 hours while you helped with other workers with cuts or heavy lifting and worksheets with Plier and Septiceye there behind you smirking, every once in a while they will wiggle their eyes at you which didn't effect you in anyway until they give up and confronted you.

"Insta don't you see that Alice likes you!"

The green haired android shouted.

"Yeah even I a killing machine based destroying humanity noticed!"


"Dude she loves you!"

".....What is love?"

They have forgot for a moment that you didn't know what emotions were and mentally smacked themselves for it.

"Love is..."

Bing was trying to explain but was caught in his words trying to describe love as Google seemed to malfunction, twitching and steaming as he fell backwards on the ground. You grabbed both of them as they were about to break towards there assigned technician; Amy and Signe, they told you that Google and Bing will be fixed in the next few hours until then you decided to head back to your technician about what is love. Honestly this was getting very annoying considering that you were an AI with no emotions what's so ever that didn't seem to bother that much, but did matter to the workers for you will be a helper in other people's home and that they need an AI that need to feel emotions inorder for people to feel trusted around you instead of your monotone attitude. You entered her area once more seeing that she was working the chip still with her computer as she typed in codes while you quietly walked behind her again and placing your hand on her shoulder scaring her.

"(Y/N)! What a surprise, again. What is it that you need?"


Alice blushed at the usage of that word.


"What is love?"

"Oh, um.... Love is well... when, umm..."

She tried to come with various thing of what defines love and honestly it was a lot harder to explain, until she had a ideal.

"Love is like this."

She held your gloved hands and kissed your metal knuckles.

"Love is a unconditional commitment to someone you care for."

She then placed her right hand on your cheek for some reason you then felt something in your core as she touched your metallic cheek, the feeling you felt was warm and bothering.

"Love is honesty and trust."

She then placed her forehead on your's as you felt heat rising in your cheeks.

"Love isn't just a strong feeling. It is a decision, a judgement and a promise."

You stayed like that for a while until you spoke up about the sensation you just felt with her.

"Ms.Angel just now.. I felt something that was strange."

"What did it feel like?"

"I felt my core tighten, something in my stomach and my radiator heating up in my cheeks."

She giggled at the way you describe in your monotone voice, then she kissed your cheeks causing your radiator to overheat to the point where you basically blow steam out from your ears.

"It's love, (Y/N)."



She waved her hands in front of you trying to get your attention she checked on your system in your back and your core in your chest finding them both fine, until she looked in your eyes seeing static inside them. She sighed and hooked a plug your neck into her computer as she fixed up a few things that were errors and questions that were in your system, after decoding your system she installed the chip; it was created to give you actually emotions she installed it into the back of your neck where a wire was connected to your brain. Hours passed as you finally rebooted it was night time and you were still in Alice's room with the lamp on, you found her sleeping at her desk with her reports on her computer hitting the key W over and over again. You picked her up from her desk as she mumbled 'nooo' as she taken away from her desk as you sit at the couch in her room as you graded a blanket from the end of the couch and placed around it you and Alice being careful with her wounded hand as you smiled as she cuddled into your chest.

"Love wins."

Batim Alice Angel x Reader Where stories live. Discover now