A Hero's Duty

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Spoilers for the 2018 Spider-Man game if you hadn't played/watched the full gamplay. The suit you will be wearing is the one above

Stumbling onto your feet as blood stained your (f/c) and (2f/c) suit as your former partner Professer Drew screamed your name, shooting your web at the buliding swinging away to your ill friend on her death bed at the F.E.A.S.T center where many other civilians are being treated for a sudden virus that spread out through New York City. But with the antiserum in your hand you made your way as fast as you can to the center before it's too late.

Ring... Ring

"Hello, (Y/N)?"

"How's Alice doing Boris? I just got the antiserum and I'm making my way to the center."

"She's not doing so great, the doctor said that she'll pass at any moment without the cure."

"J-just hang on I'm almost there."

Landing infront of the center running into the center and jumped on the second floor where Alice, Boris and Professer Henry are. Standing by Alice's bed as Henry analyize the serum for a few minutes as the heart monitor echoes in the room, Boris stood at the doorway but walked away from the sight of his dying and depressed best friends.
A moment later you stood next to Henry finally finishing the analysis.

"It's still valueble - but we'll need the entire sample as a base to produce more doses."

"How... how long will it take?"

"An hour, maybe a whole day..."

Looking back at Alice then back to the Professer.

"What if we uses it to cure someone right now?"

".... Then there won't be enough to cure the others."

Looking out the window to the hundreds of patients many of those who you saved and protected, the city you vow to protect feeling a heavy weight on your shoulders.

"I'll give you a minute..."

The Professer handed you the vile before leaving the room. Looking down at the vile in your hand at the vile then at the patients and Alice, standing by her bed again as she stirs awake.

"You're going to be okay ma'am."

Choking on your words as she opens her eyes.

"I've got the cure."

She looks at you with a weak smile and tired eyes.

"Take off the mask..."

"I can't d-"

"I want see to my (Y/N)."

Taking off your (f/c) mask and hood revealing your dirty, bloody, bruised face.

"You knew?"

"I've known for a while."

You should've known she'd know your superhero persona, Alice was always observant about everyone and everything.

"I-I never wanted you to worry..."

"I did and I'm so proud of you... And Ben would be too. All the people you've saved..."

You felt tears streaming down your face.

"I don't know what to do..."

Alice wipes away the tears from your cheeks weakly leaning into her hand, holding her hand as the tears keeps coming.

"Yes, you do..."

She suddenly started to cough violently running to the IV tube holding the antiserum near the injection port, hesitating to inject the serum to the IV; you save Alice and let thousands die or save thousands and let go of Alice. Struggling with your subconscious until you pulled away from the IV feeling overwhelmed and gulit, placing the serum on the nightstand by her bed kneeling down and handle her hand.

"Please Alice... I.. I can't lose you, too... I love you.. please..."

Her hand slips out from yours lifting your head to look at you with her baby blue eyes.

"I love you, too (Y/N)..."

She weakly sat up in her bed helping her up in your arms, she leaned forward sealing a kiss on your lips as her heart monitor slowed down - returning the kiss until her heart monitor went flat. Gently laying her back down onto the bed kissing her forehead and covering your head before giving the Professer the serum.

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