Alice Devil 2

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It's been a week since the sudden change of Bendy and Alice but with no luck since Henry and Joey somehow lost their model sheets, which lead to Alice being incredibly flirt and clingy to you - she's seen sitting in your while you work, hanging onto your arm in the halls and snuggling you from behind when talking to people. You'd be lying if you said that you didn't enjoy the attention she's giving you. Expect the fact Bendy barges into your room asking where Joey and Henry with the sheets which was given a 'There still working on it.' then he storms out of the room, right you sketching out the backgrounds for the next week's animation.

"I'm booored!"

"What about you hang out with Susie?"

"She's in the recording area..."






"Oh fuck, no!"

Sighing and putting down the pencil then patting her back as a signal to get up, walking out the door with Alice holding onto your arm as you made your way to the break room - grabbing a cup of coffee that was handed to you by Sammy as he walks out the door before he turned around to Alice.

"Oh Alice I'm gonna need you for rehearsal."

"Alright I'm coming, bye (Y/N).~"

The demon kissed your cheek before following your brother to the music room, sitting down in an empty chair then noticed the new co-worker drinking tea sitting five seats down that was hired yesterday - her name was Allison Pendle if you remember. Anyways she had dark brown curly hair, purple eyes and porcelain skin wearing a red dress shirt, black flats and a black causal skirt that fit nicely around her curvy figure, she was hired as a voice actor for background characters but heard that Joey is coming up with a new female characters soon. While on break you took out your phone then Allison took notice of you - she looked at you up and down smirking. She then got up and walked over to you while you were distracted.


Looking away from your phone Allison sat next to you with a mischievous smile, putting your phone away into your pocket as to not to be rude.


"You're (Y/N), right?"

"Uh, yeah..."

"I've heard that you got a certain angel's attention and not only that, some of the co-workers here say you're quite charmer too."

"I suppose that true..."

Taking a sip of your coffee as Allison leans a little closer to you.

"You know I bet..."

She traced her finger on your forearm.

"That you'd treat a gal..."

Dragging her hand up your arm.

"Just right.~"

Then placed her hand your cheeks, blushing lightly at the contact she was giving until Susie came in with confusion written all over her face.

"Well, looks like my break time is over."

Allison got up and dusted off her skirt then kissed the corner of your lip, she swayed her hips as she walked away - taking a long sip of your drink as Susie took the seat that Allison was moments ago.

"So, how's Alice right now?"

"She's doing great right now in the music room."

Putting your cup away into the sink then walking out into the hallways to the music room, hopefully Sammy and Alice will still be there - reaching out to the doorknob before someone else swing it opened and the least person you didn't want to pump into, Allison again. Feeling all the color drain from your face as you stood there awkwardly while Allison on the other hand smiled at you. Trying to slip by her but she keep blocking your way out, until she put her hand on your chest and pushed away from the door to the music room. Backing up until your hit the wall leaving helpless in Allison's grasps pinning you against the wall - putting your hands up avoid touching her as she tracer circles on your chest. Hoping and praying to god for miracle to happen anytime now but felt her nuzzle your neck, blushing beet red and stream coming out of your ears - your prays were answer when Wally called out to her saying that Henry needed her in the projector room.

"Coming and bye (Y/N).~"

She kissed your cheek and walked away swaying her hips again until she turned a corner dashing into the music room and slammed the door, Sammy and Alice ran over to you as you were catching your breath - Sammy patted your back and Alice handed you a glass of water. As you were trying to calm down Alice noticed red lipstick stains on the corner of your lip and the one on your cheek from earlier, grabbing you face with a startled expression then rubbed her thumb over the corner of your lip as it smeared onto her black thumb while Sammy quietly left the room with a 'nope' face.

"What is this?"

She said aggressively showing her thumb while you felt sweat drip down your face as you try to come up with a lie.

"Um... my little cousin kissed me?"

"Try again."

Rubbing the back of your neck as Alice tips her foot impatiently waiting for a valid explanation, finding anymore reasons to lie you told straight out.

"It was the new co worker, Allison Pendle..."

Alice then grabbed your arm, out of the room and into the hallway passing by Wally, Sammy, Susie, Joey, Boris and Bendy as they follow behind until she reached Henry's door - slamming it open startling Henry and Allison as they were working on a script. She stared at the dark brunette with resent that stared into her soul.

"Listen here, Ms.Pendle."

Pulling you closer to her and pointed at your face.

"You see this person? Their mine and only mine to be played with."

Grabbing your face and squishing your cheek.

"You see this face? I'm the only one who can kiss them."

Out of no where she passionately kissed you as everyone gasped or cheered in the background, when Alice pulled away from the kiss she smirked at Allison then walked away as everyone cleared out of the way for her leaving you stunned and lips stained black - Allison got up and walked away with frustration. Henry walked over to you checking to see if you're okay but when he shook your shoulder you fell backwards and blacked out.      

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