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17... 18... 19...

Pushing yourself up from the ground then down in the local gym while listening to music through your earphones, it's been two or three months since you started working you thought it'd be a healthy routine to do from now on. You did have your friend Danny come along but he quit after four weeks it's fine besides he picks you up when your done - criss crossing your legs taking your water bottle and gulping down the refreshment, while the sound of someone weight lifting nearby as you rested. Looking around the room as the sound continues until you spotted a pale brunette doing squats.


 Staring at her butt as she squats with the fifty five weight bar on her shoulders, blushing bright red until the sound of your phone goes. Taking out your (F/C) phone unlocking it and checking your messages from Danny.

'Stop looking at woman's asses.' 

Confessed and scared you text back.

'How did you know?'

'<------ Look left.'

Turning your head over to the left where the entrance of gym is standing there is your friend Danny with a 'Really?' face, walking over to you then siting on bench next to you and handed you a white towel - you looked at him with confusion as he rolls his eyes then pointed down at you.

"You let your water spill out of your mouth then onto your shirt."

Looking at your apparently damped shirt as you tried to rub it away as the best you could, Danny chuckled at misfortune then shifting his attention to the brunette - he blushed lightly as she squatted.

"Damn, man you have nice taste in women."

He muttered as he continued to stare, playful punching his arm in frustration - giggling at your tiny fit until he pulled out his phone showing you a text message.

"We're invited to party later this night, sooo you might as well hurry up and get change at the apartment."

Grabbing your duffle bag and following him behind towards his car.

Two and a half hours later

The party was pretty great so far with a band playing in the garage, people talking and playing games like every other party you went to before - standing on the couch scrolling through your tumblr, twitter, facebook and wattpad for anything interesting while holding a red solo cup, but nothing. Sighing you put your phone away looking a round the room for anything interesting.

"50... 51... 52..."

The chants from outside caught your attention walking out the room to the balcony where a group of people gathered, pushing your way to get a better view of the commotion - a man and a woman where squatting with people on their shoulders. The man was blonde with olive colored skin dressed in a red cap, gray tank top, and sneakers while the woman was a pale brunette dressed a black dress with a white hoodie and black heels. As they squatted you took a seep of your drink, drifting your eyes down to the female's butt.

'Wait a minute...'

Slightly choking your drink as you realized this is the same female from the gym as you blushed heavily, the sudden nudging in your side spooked you a bit - looking over to the person who turns out to be Danny with smirk on his face. The blonde challenged the brunette to curling as they set the previous onto their feet to look for another person lift, Danny shouted out to the brunette.


She face you with her baby blues feeling your heart pounding as your face friends points at you, she walked up to you and swept you off your feet into her muscler arms while the blonde held a man that was twice his size - you felt yourself drip down then up as the blonde did the same after a while you felt your whole body to heat up as you pulled up to her chest, while the blonde seem to slow down as people cheers you and Alice on.

"33... 34... 3-"


Turning your attention away from the Amazonian woman to see the blonde fell backwards with the man on top of him then Alice held you above her head as people cheered around you, placing you back on your feet and getting a full view of her body; long black curly hair, pale, baby blue eyes, red lips and 6'2" feet - suddenly an arm wrapped around your shoulder and pulled you close.

"Alice, this is (Y/N) (L/N). (Y/N), this is Alice Angel."

Danny gestured with a smirk on his face as you blushed at the goddess before you, patting you on your back and walked away with a drink in hand leaving you with Alice.

To be continued...? 

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