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This story is set in the modern time where Joey and Henry still work on the cartoon. You have a tail and ram horns by the way.

You were created by Joey as a rival and love Interest to Bendy and Alice in the modern cartoon, well mostly as a interpretation of one of the deadly sins; lust the other workers at the studio say that you should wear something that is suitable for a demon of lust but Henry give you a that you're comfortable with, but you aren't like what everyone says about lust you aren't a playboy or a fuckboy you're more charming, sometimes flirty, witty and somewhat stoic (Basically a mix of Tamaki Suoh and Mori from Ouran Highschool Host Club.). Your appearance in the show is very frequent mostly with the gang going through adventures or your in the background with Boris as the others are doing something for the audience, then there situations where you're not in the show.

In the moment you were chatting with Alice in the music room waiting for Sammy to show up, both of you just talking about what's going on in the studio and gossiping about the boys but recently you noticed that she was acting strange only around you; when you two sing in the recording room she's more nervous then usually, dancing she's timid and flushed red then when acting in a scene together she's shaking and clumsy.

"Then I give Bendy the bottle and guess what's in it."

"What was it?"

"Salt water."

She laughed at your story of the time when you give Bendy salt water instead of his coffee, she always seems to laugh at your antics when you guys have the time to talk but it makes you happy that someone actually likes your pranks expect Boris he's a good guy. You can't lie when you say Bendy is a lucky guy to have Alice by his side and you wish you had a gal like Alice - as you guys were talking Bendy came in.

"Heya guys!"

He greeted Alice with a hug then give you a complicated high fives and handshake you guys made up even though you guys were rivals in the show, doesn't mean you guys couldn't be the best of buds.

"Whatcha guys waiting for?"


Alice watched you and Bendy chat for a while until Sammy finally came with the music sheets needed for the rehearsal.

After rehearsal

You were in Henry's office cleaning your horns and tail while he was designing your outfit, Alice was with the boys outside his office.

"Do you think (Y/N) have any Interest in me and I mean anything like did they say anything about me?"

"Not that recall of.."

Alice fiddled with her feathers as she and the boys discuss about you and if you any interest in the angel she honestly hopes that you have interest seeing that you appreciate her being around you, chatting and even dancing with unlike the first time she met Bendy. She's honestly head over heels for you the moment you were first introduce to the gang as the new character in the show and every time you're near her heart beats faster, so in short terms Alice is helpless. But then there's the negative thoughts of you having interest in someone else that you only see as a friend and nothing more - just imaging the thought of you with someone else's arms is already heartbreaking enough for it to actually happen.

"Hey Alice it's your turn."

Alice jumped when she felt your hand on her shoulder as she turned around to you see in a /, she awestruck by your appearance dazzling as she walked into Henry's office that she slammed into the door face first. She crouched down holding her nose as black blood came from her nose.

"Holy crap Alice are you okay?"

You knelt down by her side as you removed her hands away from her nose checking for any further injuires, thankfully it's just a bloody nose. You took out a white cloth that was in your pocket and held to her nose.

"Okay just hold onto it then tilt your chin down and pinch your nose right where it gets sort of squishy."

You instructed her to do as you lead her into the office with your arms around her arm as you lead her to a chair.

"I'm assuming that Alice caused the huge bang at the door."

You nodded as Henry turned she focus to his sheets of character references for the upcoming episode, it needed the gang to wear formal outfits for a dancing scene.

To dance rehearsal

(This is the dance you and Alice are rehearsing)

Alice was red as a tomato as you wrapped your arms around her as Sammy counted in the background, you guys been twirling and stepping all over the place that she almost lost track of where you were going and almost stepping on her but by the end of it you knelt down on one knee and kissed her almost causing the angel to faint.

"Alright, we'll try that again because Alice I saw that you almost lost track back there but we're taking a ten minute break."

You got up off the ground as you head over to the water cooler to grab a drink as Alice stood in the center of the room turning your attention to her as she just stood there, not moving. You walked over to her trying to get her attention by waving a hand in front of her, tapping her shoulder and shaking her doesn't seem to work, heck you even splashed some water in her face then you finally had a ideal that might work. You pressed your lips onto her's in hope this might work if then there's option five; slapping her then you felt her arms wrap around your neck pulling you close, but you pushed her away.


"Hm, what's wrong?"


"No I'm not..."

"Wait, what?"

"I'm not with Bendy."

"But I thought you - Bendy - Together?!"

"Me and Bendy are just friends."


You felt stupid assuming that the sweet angel and dancing demon were together, you sunk down in her arms hiding away your flushed face in her chest as she petted your head honestly you felt happy that she wasn't with Bendy and that you have a chance with her.

"Hm, Alice do you want to go out?"

"Of course."

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