Day 42

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"Too small, too small, I think this is Lea's, too small, that's yours." She said, throwing the clothes into piles behind her. Luke was sat on her bed, watching her as emptied out her closet. It was hours before she had finally put together a pile of clothes that fit. "Okay, my band shirts, I have to keep all of these. Tank tops. I don't even know what this is." She says, picking up a black strip of fabric before throwing it in the trash. She held up a black skater dress with lace at the top, covering her back and the top or her chest. "What do you think about this?" She asked, holding it up to her body for Luke to see.

"It's pretty. You should wear it to my funeral." He said casually, causing her head to snap up.

"Oh my God, Luke! You can't just say things like that!" She exclaimed.

"Why not? It's going to happen soon, I was just making a suggestion. I've come to terms with it." He said, and she sat next to him on the bed, tears already brimming in her eyes.

"Yeah, but what if I haven't?" She asked, and he looked over at her.

"Oh, baby. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I never should have even said anything." He said, and she shook her head.

"No, no. I should get used to the idea of not having you here. It's just hard, you know? I mean, I've seen you every single day since we met, and just the idea of not seeing you anymore is just..." She trailed off, and he rubbed her back.

"I'm sorry." He said, and the room fell into a comfortable silence, until Luke broke it. "Seriously, though. You should wear that to my funeral." He said, and she laughed, wiping away her tears. They sat in comfortable silence for a few minutes until she laid her head on his shoulder and he rested his head on top of hers. "Hey, we should get married."

Her head shot off his shoulder and she furrowed her eyebrows at him incredulously.

"Are you an idiot?" She asked half seriously, and he shrugged.

"No, listen. We like each other, it'll be fun. We're both legal!"

"You're dying!" She exclaimed as though he wasn't aware.

"I know, that's why it works."

"You're ridiculous, why are still together?"

"You love it." He said, grabbing her hand and rubbing his thumb lightly on the back.


That was the day Luke Hemmings 'helped' her clean her closet.

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