Chapter 2

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Kristyn's POV
I texted Niall before I left the office to let him know i'm coming to get him. I decided to pick Niall up first because he was the closest to the office. When I got there he was already waiting outside for me. I gave him a kiss when he got into the car and we headed towards Taylor's school. I parked the car in the parking lot and went into the school and went to the front office and I told them that I needed Taylor Swift for dismissal. They called her down and we went into the car and started driving towards the office.

Taylor's POV
I got called down to the office and I was really confused to why I was getting dismissed early. I saw my sister standing there and I asked her why I was getting dismissed early. She told me that I had a 6-month cleaning appointment with her but Niall also had one to. I'm glad that Niall is coming with us and he has one to. I never told Kristyn this, but Niall is like a dad figure to me. Since our parents died when I was really young, and Kristyn was dating Niall at the time, Niall was always there for me when I needed it and I was so glad that my sister had a great guy in her life. I guess Kristyn saw me starring into space because she asked me what I was thinking about. I decided to tell her that i'm greatful that Niall is in our lives because he's like a father figure to me. She thought that was sweet and asked if she could tell Niall. I said sure and when we got back to the car she told Niall what I told her and he turned around to me and he said that he's glad he's in our life as well. Kristyn started the car and backed out of the parking spot and started driving towards the clinic. I'm really nervous for what's going to happen at this appointment.

~At the office~

Kristyn's POV
We got to the office and I grabbed both Niall and Taylor's file and noticed that they were both the last patients of the day. I asked which one wants to go first and they both didn't want to so they did Rock, Paper, Scissors and Taylor lost so she has to go first. She got into the chair and I put a bib around her. I asked her to open and at first she didn't, but eventually she did. I noticed that she had a couple cavities that needed to be fixed but she also needed braces. I put putty in her mouth real quick so that she didn't know what was going on. I called my assistant and had her go fit braces on the molds. I told her to get the clear brackets so that they can be a little less visible. I told Taylor that she has a couple cavitites that I had to fix and she was scared at first, but she complied and then I told her that she needed braces but she would be getting the clear braces like the ones that Niall has. She wasn't happy, but she got through it.

Niall's POV
When I saw Kristyn put the putty in Taylor's mouth, I knew exactly what that was for because Kristyn did the exact same thing for me when I had to get braces. She went to collect the stuff and I told Taylor all about braces and that they will hurt for a few days but then the pain will be gone after that. Taylor looked like she was a little better about getting them. Kristyn came back with all the supplies and started the braces process.

~After Braces process on Taylor~
When Kristyn finished putting braces on Taylor, she said it was my turn. I hopped in the chair and just opened my mouth for her. I could tell that she didn't want to put up a fight with me right now so I just decided to obey everything she says.

Kristyn's POV
I saw Niall open his mouth and I got started on his cleaning I didn't see any cavities and I also checked his teeth to see if he could get his braces off and well today's his lucky day he can get them off. I told him that he could get his braces off today and he was estactic ! I got the tools I needed to take his braces off and started taking them off. I sanded off the glue and put putty in his mouth to mold his teeth for his retainers. After I finished all the stuff I had to do with both Taylor and Niall, I cleaned up and we left the office and headed to go get dinner and ice cream. After we got dinner and ice cream, we headed home and watched movies for the rest of the night.

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