Chapter 9

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Kristyn's POV
I was 5 months pregnant at this point and I defiantly have a baby bump now. Today was the day that Niall and I were going to find out the gender of baby Horan. We decided to bring Taylor along because she wanted to find out if she would be getting a brother or sister. I was at work and when I saw the time I gathered my things and went to clock out for the day. I texted Niall saying that I was coming to get him he replied back "Ok. See you soon can't wait to find out if we're having a son or daughter ;)" I got in my car and headed towards the studio. I picked Niall up first then we headed to Taylor's school to pick her up. I went into the front office and I noticed it was a new person. "Hi. I'm here to pick up Taylor Swift" "What's your name?" "Kristyn Horan" "and what relationship do you have with Taylor?" "I'm her legal guardian because our parents died when she was young" "I can't let you pick Taylor up because you guys don't have the same last name." "My last name use to be Swift but I got married and changed my last name." "I still can't let you pick her up." She was making me mad at this point. "I demand to talk to the principal." She called the principal down and I talked to him. "What's going on?" The principal asked. "Hey Mr. Todd, this lady here is not letting me pick up Taylor because we don't have the same last name and I have a doctor's appointment to get to." "Trisha this is Taylor's legal guardian. So she is allowed to check her out if she needs to." The receptionist just rolled her eyes and called Taylor down. I thanked Mr. Todd and a few mins later Taylor came down and we headed out to the car. She got in the back and we headed for the doctors. We got there a little while later and I checked in and sat down in the waiting room.

Niall's POV
I'm really excited for this appointment, but I'm also really scared. I just want to be the best dad I can be. They called Kristyn back and we all went back to the room and Kristyn hopped up on the table and we waited for the doctor. The doctor came in, that delivered both Kristyn and Taylor when they were born, and gave Kristyn a hug and asked her how she was doing. She answered all the questions that her doctor was asking her. The doctor got the ultrasound machine up and running and had Kristyn pull her shirt up but putting a blanket around the bottom half. She put some type of Jelly on Kristyn's stomach and started moving this wand thing around Kristyn's stomach. A few mins later our baby showed up on the screen. We heard the hearbeat and it sounded like a healthy baby. The doctor asked if we wanted to know the gender and we actually said that Taylor would find out the gender then do a Gender Reveal for Kristyn and I.

Taylor's POV
I was so happy that I was here and be able to see my new little brother or sister. Yes I know what you're thinking, if it's my sister having the baby I would be an Aunt but Kristyn wants this baby to think that they have an older sister and not an aunt which i'm fine with. When the doctor asked if we wanted to know the gender and Kristyn said that I was going to find out the gender of my little sister or brother and then do a Gender Reveal for them. She took the wand around Kristyn's stomach and a few mins after doing that she found out the gender and made Kristyn and Niall close their eyes and typed on the screen "It's A Girl!" I tried not to scream out loud. The nurse quickly took the gender off the screen and told Kristyn and Niall they could look now. The nurse gave me the pictures that had the gender on it and I put it in my pocket. I had a great idea for how i'm going to tell them.

Kristyn's POV
Niall and I decided at the last minute that Taylor was going to find out the gender of our baby then do a Gender Reveal for Niall and I. I took the rest of the day off of work and both Niall and Taylor took off the rest of the day off school and work as well. Taylor said that she had a great idea on how she was going to tell us, and I was excited on how she was going to tell us. She asked if we could go to the store and we did she said for us to go shopping and let her handle this.

Taylor's POV
I decided that I was going to do a gender reveal cake for Kristyn and Niall to find out the gender. I told them to go to another side of the store and i'll find them when i'm done. I went over to the bakery and told the baker what I wanted to do she agreed to do it and took the envelope from me. She said it would done in about an hour or so. I thanked her and went to find Kristyn and Niall. When I found them I told them that i'm doing a Gender Reveal cake for them.

~An Hour Later~
I went to pick up the cake and when I got the cake it looked amazing. It was half Blue and half Pink and it said on top "Boy or Girl?" I thanked her again and went to find Kristyn and Niall again. We paid for the cake and headed home. I can't wait for them to cut into the cake and find out the gender.

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