Chapter 4

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Kristyn's POV
Today's the day that Niall and I are going on our vacation. We're both getting off early from work and heading to get Taylor to drop her off at Niall's moms house and heading to the airport right after. I was finishing my last patient of the day and cleaned up and packed up and headed out to pick up Niall. I got to the studio and I went up to the room that he was recording his album in. I went up behind him and gave him a hug. He was startled at first, but when he knew it was me he gave me a hug back. He told me that he had to finish something up then he would be ready to go. I sat on the couch and listened to him sing. While he was singing, I noticed that he sounded like he was in pain I hope he wasn't keeping this from me.

Niall's POV
While I was singing my tooth erupted in pain. I looked over at Kristyn and I could see that she knew I had a toothache. Even though I hate her job, I have to get this tooth fixed before we go on vacation because I don't want to ruin our vacation with me being in pain and not being able to eat anything. I just have to suck it up and tell Kristyn. I finished the song that I had to finish and walked out to Kristyn who was sitting on the couch. "Babe." "Yeah?" "Do you have something to tell me?" I just froze in shock there for a minute. I know I have to tell her, but I don't want to go to her office. "Babe." Kristyn says again waving her hand over my face. "uhhh...." "Babe, you need to tell me if you're in pain. We're married and even though you hate my job, you know its my job to help you. You need to be honest with me." "Fine. My tooth has been hurting for a couple of days now and I really don't want to ruin our vacation by being in pain." "Babe, you will be fine. You know it's me and you know I won't hurt you." "I know." "Will you let me fix your tooth?" I just nodded. "Then lets go." We left the studio and headed to the office. Lets hope this goes well.

~At the office~
Kristyn's POV
We got to the office and I got Niall out of the car with a little trouble but he finally coperated. I brought him back to one of the exam rooms and had him sit in the chair. I grabbed my gloves and mask and got a new clean set of tools. "Ok babe, open up for me please." He opened up and I started looking around his mouth with my mirror and checked all his teeth until I came to the bad tooth. When I pressed on it, Niall screamed out in pain and I quickly took my tools out of his mouth. I turned around to my desk and started filling up a syringe of novocaine to numb him up so that I could fill his cavity. What I also noticed was that he had a couple more cavities that weren't as deep but still needed fillings. "Hey babe." "Hmmm." "The one tooth is bad but not that bad where it needs a root canal, but I did see a couple more cavities where they weren't as bad, but they still need fillings so that they don't get worse." He just nodded after I said all that. I scoot back to my desk and grabbed the Q-Tips that had a numbing agent to numb his gums a little bit so that he doesn't feel the needle. "Ok babe. Just open up for me. This is just some Numbing Agent to numb the spots so that you don't feel the needles go in when I inject you." He just nodded and opened his mouth. I spread the numbing agent around the teeth that had the cavities and left them there for a few minutes and had Niall close his mouth. I went back to the desk and filled 3 syringes of novocaine. I hid the first needle in my lap and asked Niall to open up. I took the Q-Tips out of his mouth and I used my gloved finger to stretch his mouth open a little bit wider and brought the needle from back around and gently poked him with the first needle. When that one was done, I put that one down on the desk and grabbed the next needle. I asked him to turn towards me and I put the needle in on the other side where another cavity is. When that one finished I put it on the desk and grabbed the last needle. I told Niall that his nose is going to feel numb because his last cavity was in his front teeth and I had to numb up the little skin thing that connects his lip to his gum. He just nodded and I took his top lip and stretched it up and gently poked him with the needle. He whimpered in pain and I told him that he was almost done and to breathe through his nose. I finished the last needle and let him get numb. I asked him a few minutes later if he was numb and he nodded his head. I got the drill and the right drill bud and started on the first cavity.

~After the procedure~
After I finished Niall's cavities, I helped him up and after I cleaned up we went to the car and left to grab Taylor and quickly bring her to Niall's moms house and dropped her off. Niall and I then left to the airport to catch our flight to Hawaii. Niall was numb for a few hours, but it finally wore down and we boarded the plane to Hawaii. I can't wait to get this vacation started.

Niall's POV
I really hate having my face numb especially my nose. The worse part about it is that I can't kiss my wife and I can't eat anything solid for a few hours, all I can do is drink cold drinks. But I didn't let Kristyn know that because I didn't want to ruin our vacation with me winning about how much I hate being numb.

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