Chapter 15

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Niall's POV
*A few days later*
We headed back to L.A a few days later and Kristyn headed back to work while Taylor and I stayed home. Since Kristyn is due in about a month, she asked me if I could start getting the nursery together. I wanted to wait until she got home because she said she wanted to paint it. I texted her and told her what i'm doing and she replied back "ok." After I texted Kristyn, my phone went off and it was my manager, I answered and this was the convo.

(M-Manager, N-Niall)
M- Niall?
M- I need you to come in for a meeting right now.
N- Umm, Kristyn's at work and I have no one to watch Taylor.
M-Is there a way that you can drop her off at Kristyn's work? Because we need you here.
N- I'll call Kristyn and see if I can then i'll be there.
M- Ok. thanks Niall.
N-No problem

*End of Convo*
I called Kristyn and asked her if I could bring Taylor and she can just sit in her office because I have an emergency meeting to go to. She said yes and I told Taylor that we had to go. We hopped into the car and headed towards Kristyn's office.

Taylor's POV
When Niall told me that we had to go I was confused at first because I wasn't sure where we were going but then he told me that we were going to Kristyn's office and I got scared because I didn't want to go to my sister's office. I asked Niall why we were going there and he said that I was just going to sit in her office because he had a meeting to go to. I just nodded ok and we were at Kristyn's office in a few mins.

Kristyn's POV
I was working with a paitent when Niall called me and said that he had an emergency meeting to go to and had no one to watch Taylor. I told him that he can bring her here and she can sit in my office until I'm finished. As I was finishing up the paitent I was working with, I felt something kick my stomach really hard and I just thought it was Kaylyn kicking me and I just kept doing what I was doing with the paitent. When I was finished with the paitent, the pain in my stomach kept getting worse. I went to my office and saw Taylor there sitting on the couch on her phone. I sat down at my desk and was in the worse pain ever. Taylor asked me if I was ok and I said that I think i'm in Labor. Taylor said that she would drive me to the hospital and helped me up out of my chair at my desk. She went to clock me out and then went to get my car. She pulled it round front and she helped me in. Taylor drove to the hospital while my contractions were getting worse. We made it to the hospital and Taylor ran in to get a nurse and a wheelchair. The nurse comes out with a wheelchair and they help me out of the car and into the wheelchair. They get me into a room and start prepping me. They checked to see how far dialated I am and I was at a 4. I called Niall once I felt fine to call him.

(N-Niall, K-Kristyn)
N- Hello?
K- Babe?
N- What's wrong ? I'm in middle of a meeting.
K- I'm at the hospital in labor. I need you here right now.
N- Ok. I'm on my way.
*End Of Convo*

Niall's POV
When Kristyn called me and said that she was in labor, I stood up as quickly as I could and my manager told me to sit down. I told him that Kristyn was in labor and I had to go. He let me go and I ran as quickly as I could to my car and hopped in my car and started it. I backed out of the parking spot and sped down to the hospital as fast as I could. When I got there I asked the nurse at the front desk where Kristyn's room was and she said that only family members were allowed to go back. I told her I was her husband and the dad of our child. She looked me up and then let me go. I ran down to her room and I went straight to her side. She said that Taylor ran home to get the hospital bags and she will meet us back here. She said that she wanted to get an epidural and I told the nurse that was in there and she said she was going to check her and see how far along she was then she will go get the doctor who does the epidural. She checked Kristyn and said she was at a 6. She left to go get the doctor and the doctor came back with all the stuff he needs and asked Kristyn to sit on the edge of the bed. I helped her sit up and the doctor put a sheet over he back and poked her with a long needle like thing. I could tell that it hurt Kristyn really bad but she will feel better soon.

Kristyn's POV
When the doctor came in to give me the epidural he asked me to sit on top of the bed and Niall helped me sit up. He put a sheet on my back and then he said that I will feel a little pinch and pain. I was thinking to myself that I'm a dentist and I have felt pinches and pain a lot but nothing like that epidural was. Niall held onto me as the doctor was giving me the epidural. When he finished, he let me get back into bed and then the nurse came in and said that I was already at an 8 and I started to feel numb down below already. The nurse also said that my water hasn't broken yet, which is weird because that's normally what happens first when you know ur actually in labor, so she broke my water then we waited a couple more hours and I felt like I had to push. Niall went to get a nurse and a doctor and they got me set up and told me I was at a 10 and it was time to start pushing. I pushed when they told me to and with a few pushes in our baby girl was here. The nurses put her on my stomach and I just held her against my chest while the doctor cleaned me up. The nurses asked what her name was and I said "Kaylyn Rose Horan." After the doctor finished cleaning me up he let me put my legs down and the nurse handed me a packet and said it was the paperwork for her birth certificate. I handed Kaylyn to Niall after she was all cleaned up and filled out the paperwork for her birth certificate. I asked Niall what day it was and he said "December 13th, 2017" I also realized that it was my birthday and Taylor's birthday as well. When Taylor got back I told her Happy Birthday and to meet her new sister. Taylor held her and her face just lit up. I think Taylor's going to be a great big sister.

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