Chapter 5

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Kristyn's POV
We finally made it to the airport and got our bags checked, went through security, got starbucks to drink, and went to our gate. We waited for a little bit, charged our phones, charged both of our computers so we could watch movies on the flight, and waited to board. While we waited, I noticed a little girl in the same gate as us playing on a chair, Little did I know she fell off the chair and hit her mouth. I quickly ran over to her and her parents and told them i'm a qualified dentist and showed them my license. I asked the Airport security people if they had a dental room and they said that they would bring me to the room since I still had time before our flight took off, still had like over 2 hours, I decided to take the little girl and her parents to the room and take a look to see what damaged it cost.

Niall's POV
I saw Kristyn run over to the little girl that fell off the couch and went straight into dentist mode. She came and told me that she was going to bring this little girl up to the dentist room they had and that she'll be back in a little bit.

Kristyn's POV
I brought the little girl up to the room and I decided to introduce myself. "Hi Sweetie, I'm Dr. Kristyn what's your name?" "Maddie" "How old are you Maddie?" "8. Why am I here?" "Well, I saw you playing on the chairs and saw you fall and I'm a qualified dentist and when you fell you hit your mouth and I just wanted to make sure that your mouth was ok." "oh ok." I grabbed the gloves, mask, and tools they had for me and turned on the over head light and aimed it at Maddie's mouth. "Ok Sweetie, can you open up really big and wide for me?" She opened her mouth and I took my explorer and mirror and started looking around her mouth.

Maddie's POV
When Dr. Kristyn was looking around my mouth, I noticed she was coming towards the bad tooth that I had been hiding from my parents. When she touched it, I screamed out in pain and she quickly took her tools out and went to the desk behind her. I looked over my shoulder for just a minute and saw her putting together 4 needles. I decided to ask her how much I had done. "Dr. Kristyn?" "Yes?" "How much damage did I do?" "Well, you have 2 good size cavities that I will have to fix, but also the fall losened up 2 teeth that are baby teeth and are going to fall out anyway so i'm just going to pull them now." I signed in relief but when I looked over at my parents they didn't look to happy with me.

Kristyn's POV
I got the stuff ready to fill Maddie's cavities and the stuff to pull the 2 teeth out. I got the numbing agent with the Q-Tip on it and put it where one of her cavities is I did that for all the teeth that needed to be fixed or pulled. I took them out a couple minutes later and I told Maddie that her nose is going to feel numb for a while because I have to numb up that little strip that connects her lip to her gum because she had a cavity in her front teeth. She just nodded so I pulled her top lip up and gently poked her with the needle. She whimpered a little bit but was fine right after. I diposed that needle when finished and grabbed another one. I gently poked her with the rest of the needles where needed and got started on the procedure.

~After the procedure~
After I finished everything on Maddie, I cleaned up and her parents asked me how much they owed me and I said that they didn't have to pay me at all. They were very greatful and I walked out with them to the gate and saw Niall still sitting there with his computer open. I walked back over to him and sat down next to him. I asked him how he was doing and he said that his numbing had completely wore off and he couldn't wait to get this vacation started. We waited a little bit longer for our plane to get here but when it got here, Niall said he had a surprise for us and told me we were in First Class. I was really excited and I gave him a hug and a huge kiss. We took our seats in First Class and waited for take off. This is going to be a great vacation.

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