Chapter 12

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Niall's POV
We landed in Nashville a few hours later and headed off the plane. We went to get our bags from Baggage Check and headed to the front to where we have to catch the shuttle to get to the rental car place where we have to pick up our rental car. When we got off the plane I noticed I had a little bit of pain going on in the back of my mouth. Its been hurting for a little while now but I didn't want to tell Kristyn and ruin our vacation, but the pain is really bad that I couldn't take it and just decided to tell Kristyn. "Babe?" "Yeah?" "I didn't want to tell you this because I didn't want to ruin our vacation, but I'm having pain in the back of my mouth and it hurts really bad." "Ok. We'll go by my old dentist office that I had here and get it looked at after we drop Taylor off at our grandparents." "Ok." We got to Kristyn's grandparents house and Kristyn got out to bring Taylor to the door. Her Grandparents opened the door and they hugged. I could see Kristyn talking to her grandparents about what was happening and I saw them nod. She hugged them and Taylor went inside. She came back to the car and started it up. We started driving to the dental office that Kristyn use to own but sold it to someone before we all moved to L.A. I'm really scared of what's going to come, but I know that i'm in really good hands.

Kristyn's POV
When Niall told me that he had a pain in the back of his mouth my first reaction was we have to bring him in before it gets any worse. I'm really lucky because I still have my office here that I sold to someone, that i'm very good friends with, before we all moved to L.A. We got there a few mins later and I asked Niall if he was ready. He took a deep breath and let it out then nodded his head. We headed inside and I saw my friend, Summer, who I sold the office to. We hugged and I told her what was happening.

(K- Kristyn, S-Summer)
S- Its been way too long! How are you?
K-I'm good. I'm married and have a kid on the way.
S-So what can I help u with?
K-Well, we're back in town for Thanksgiving and my husband Niall said that he was experencing pain in the back of his mouth and I was wondering if I could use one of the exam rooms and fix him up.
S-Sure, if you follow me back I can get him set up.
K-Here's the thing, he hates the dentist so much that he doesn't let anyone touch his mouth unless its me. There's nothing wrong with you, hes just gotten so use to me doing it.
S- Oh yeah that's fine. I get it.
K-Thanks Summer you're the best.
*End of Convo*
We went back to one of the exam rooms and I told Niall to sit in the chair. He did as told and sat in the chair. I got the Blue piece of paper to put over his clothes and put it around his neck. I got the tools out and put them on the tray that's behind the chair. I got my gloves and mask on and grabbed the mirror and explorer. I asked Niall to open and he complied I stuck my mirror and explorer in his mouth and started checking all his teeth. I came across the one that was hurting him and then I saw some other teeth that might be hurting him as well. I told him that I was going to probe it just to check and he said ok. I gently probed the bad tooth and Niall screamed out in pain. I told him sorry and went to check the other teeth. I gently probed the other teeth as well and I was right he did have more cavities but I think they weren't hurting him as bad as that other one. I take my tools out of his mouth and swivel back over to my desk where I got needles ready for his fillings. Niall asked me what I was doing so I knew I had to tell him.

(K- Kristyn, N-Niall)
K-Babe you have 8 cavities, 2 of them are really bad that they require Root Canals, and the rest are surface cavities that won't take as long.
N- But.... I don't want to have Root Canals.
K-Babe, it's the only way we can save the tooth.
N-I still don't want it.
K-I know you don't, but its what has to be done.
N-I know i'm not getting out of this am I?
N-Ugggg Fine.
K-That's my husband I love.
*End of Convo*
I finished getting the needles ready and the tropical Jelly to numb up his gums before I put the needles in. I ask Niall to open, which he did, and I put the tropical jelly on his gums where the cavities were. I let them sit for a few minutes and then I took them out. I asked him to stay open for me and to close his eyes. I gently poked him with the Needle and then I repeated the process until all the needles were administered and taken away. I let Niall get numb for a few minutes then we started the procedure.

*After The Procedure*
It took a couple of hours to finish Niall's procedure, but we were finally done and I cleaned up the office and we headed back to my grandparents house where we cuddled in bed and fell asleep. This is going to be a great trip.

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