Chapter 8

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Kristyn's POV
My alarm was going off telling me it was time to get up for work. I turned off the alarm and got out of bed and into the shower. When I got out of the shower I noticed that I had a baby bump forming. I just stood there for a few minutes just looking at my stomach that I didn't hear Niall come in. He put his hands on my belly and we just stood there rubbing it. I reminded him that he and Taylor both have a dentist appointment with me this morning. He groaned but he knows the drill. He went over to the sink and brushed his teeth and then flossed I did the same and then went to get Taylor up. I told her to go get her teeth brushed and flossed and that she had a dentist appointment with me today and  she wasn't happy, but she knows its the routine.

Taylor's POV
When Kristyn came in and woke me up she told me that I had a dentist appointment with her today. I was nervous because I've had a tooth that has been hurting for a while and I really don't want Kristyn finding out but I know she's going to find out anyway.

Niall's POV
After we were all ready we went downstairs and had breakfast. After we had breakfast, we loaded up in the car and turned on the radio my song "Too Much to Ask" came on the radio and we were all singing along to it. I noticed that Taylor could sing but I didn't know how to approach it to her I'll talk to her at a different time. We arrived at the office and Kristyn parked the car we all got out and headed into the office. It was dark because the office wasn't officially opened yet but Kristyn turned the lights on and told both of us to go back to room 2. Taylor and I both followed her directions and I decided that I was going to talk t her about her singing. "So Tay?" "Yeah?" "I heard you singing in the car, and what I wanted to tell you was that you have an AMAZING voice." "Really?" "Yeah. If you want help writing songs or learning the guitar I can help you." "Ok. Thanks Niall." "No Problem. Just let me know." "I will." Kristyn walked into the room shortly after and asked which one of us wants to go first. Taylor said she would because she wants to get it over with.

Taylor's POV
When Kristyn asked who wanted to go first, I said I would because I wanted to get it over with. I sat down in the chair and Kristyn put a bib on my neck, leaned the chair back, and turned on the overhead light pointing it at my mouth. "Ok Tay, open big and wide." I opened my mouth and she stuck her tools in my mouth and started checking my teeth. I could feel her getting close to the bad tooth and when she touched it I screamed in pain she said sorry and went to check all the other teeth the explorer got stuck a few more times and I knew that meant more cavitites. She finished checking all my teeth then went to do the cleaning then took X-rays. After she was done taking the X-Rays Kristyn developed them and looked at them. She showed them to me and said that I have 6 cavities and that she's going to fill them after Niall's appointment I just nodded and she put the chair up. Niall and I switched spots and Kristyn left to go some clean tools.

Niall's POV
I was watching Kristyn clean Taylor's teeth when she got the explorer stuck a few times. I immediately knew what that meant Taylor had a few cavities. Kristyn finished the cleaning and then took X-Rays she said that Taylor had 6 cavities and she would fill them after my appointment. I switched spots with Taylor and Kristyn left to get some clean tools she came back and put a bib around my neck and leaned the chair back. "Ok babe. Open wide." I did as told and Kristyn slipped her tools in my mouth she started checking my teeth and the explorer got stuck a few times and I knew that meant cavities. After Kristyn was done checking every tooth she took X-Rays and said I had 4 cavitites. "Ok. This is what i'm going to do since you guys both have cavities that need to be filled, I'm going to do them today and now and since Taylor has the most i'm going to do hers first." After Kristyn said that I switched places with Taylor and Kristyn got her set-up for the fillings.

Taylor's POV
I can't believe I have to go first and that I have 6 cavities. Kristyn got everything ready and put a bib around my neck and got some Gel on a Q-Tip and put it on where my cavities were. She took them out a few mins later and took the first needle and poked my gums with it. She repeated that a couple more times and then let me get numb for a little bit then started the procedure.

~After Taylor's Procedure~
Kristyn finished filling my cavities and let me up I changed places with Niall and Kristyn got everything set up for his.

Niall's POV
Kristyn got everything set up for my fillings and put a bib around my neck. She did the exact same thing that she did with Taylor but this time she had to numb up the little skin thing the connects my lip to my gum so my nose went numb. She let me get numb for a little bit and then started the procedure.

~After Niall's Procedure~
Kristyn's POV
I finished both Niall and Taylor's procedure and because since I still had to stay and work, Niall and Taylor went home and let the numbness ware off. I came home a few hours later and we had a lazy night on the couch watching movies while Niall was rubbing his hands over my little baby bumb that was there.
Lets just say I can't wait for Niall to be a dad.

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