Chapter 16

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Taylor's POV 

When I got back to the hospital after leaving to get the hospital bags from home I saw that my sister had given birth to my little sister Kaylyn. Kristyn handed me Kaylyn and told me Happy Birthday and I told her Happy Birthday as well. I also told Kaylyn happy birthday because she was born on mine and Kristyn's birthday. When Kristyn handed me Kaylyn I just held her and talked to her and she opened her eyes and looked up at me. I still can't believe i'm a big sister now.

Niall's POV 

Watching Taylor with Kaylyn was such a sweet moment. She was just talking to her and Kaylyn opened her eyes and looked up at Taylor. It was such a sweet moment to watch Taylor and Kristyn have been through so much in the past few years and to watch this moment with Taylor holding Kaylyn just made it all go away. I can tell Taylor's going to be a great big sister.

* A little while later*

Kristyn's POV 

The nurse came in a little while later and checked to see how I was doing. I told her that I felt great and she said that she's going to get the doctor and the doctor came in and said that since I had a natural birth and if I was feeling well enough then I could go home. I told him I felt great and I handed Kaylyn to Niall. I got up and got my clothes that I packed in the hospital bag, that Taylor ran home and got, and went to the bathroom to change while Niall got Kaylyn dressed in her going home outfit and put her in her car seat. I came out of the bathroom in a large t-shirt and some sweat pants and a nurse came in with a wheel chair and I told Niall that I want to hold Kaylyn out. He got her out of her car seat and handed her to me. The nurse wheeled me out to the car and Niall took Kaylyn from me and put her in her car seat and put the car seat in the car. He then helped me up into the front seat of the car and got into the drivers side of the car. He gave Taylor the keys to his car so she can drive his car home since we brought 2 cars with us. Niall started to leave the hospital and started heading home. We got home a little while later and Niall got Kaylyn and her car seat out of the car and went to put her inside before he came to get me. He came back out and helped me out of the car and helped me inside. I picked Kaylyn up out of her car seat and just held her close. I'm so glad that she's finally here.

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