Chapter 10

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(Continue from last chapter)
Taylor's POV
We got home later that evening and I was so excited for Niall and Kristyn to find out the gender. Kristyn didn't feel like cooking dinner that night so we ordered Chinese and Niall went to pick it up. When he got back we ate and then Kristyn called Niall's parents and they came over so they could find out the gender of their grandchild. Kristyn cleaned up the table and then got dessert plates and a knife she cut into the cake and pulled out the first piece when  she looked in the middle and saw the pink. When she found out she couldn't say anything and just hugged Niall.

Kristyn's POV
When I found out that our baby was going to be a girl, I couldn't speak all I did was hug Niall. I told Niall from the start that whenever we have kids, after we were married of course, that I already have my first girls name picked out.

I was sitting with Niall on the couch in my house that my parents let me have after they died in the car accident. Niall and I weren't engaged yet, but we started talking about our future even when we were dating. "Babe." "Yeah?" "Whenever we have kids, after marriage of course, I already have my first girls name picked out and I wanted to run in by you to see if you like it." "Ok. What is it?" "Kaylyn Rose Horan. I've loved the name since I was 17 and I always dreamed that one day I would be getting married to you." "I love that name." "It's an Irish name." "Really?" "Yupp." "That's the name that we're using for our first kid." "Sounds Good."

*End of Flashback*
Niall's POV
I can't believe we're having a girl! Kristyn told me from the very beginning that she already had our first girls name picked out. She ran the name by me when we were first dating and I loved it. I was thinking about Kristyn and Taylor and that their parents wouldn't be able to meet their granddaughter, until they get to heaven of course. But I just remember Kristyn calling me crying.

Kristyn's POV
I was so excited that we were having a girl, but then it hit me that my parents weren't going to be able to meet their granddaughter. I just remember getting that call from the hospital.

I was at Dental school studying when my phone went off.
H- Hospital

K- "Hello?"
H- "Hi is this Kristyn?"
K-"This is she."
H-"This is Los Angeles Hospital calling to tell you that your parents got into a car accident and it looks like they won't make it."
K- "Wait What?"
H-"I'm sorry but you may want to get here ASAP"
K- "Ok. I'm on my way now."
*End Call*
I hung up the phone and started crying. I called Niall and was just hoping he would pick up.

N- Niall

N- "Babe?"
K- *sobbing* "Babe. My parents we're in a car accident and they're at the hospital now but it looks like they won't make it. Can you please meet me there?"
N-"Of course babe. I'm on my way now."
K- "Thank you. You're the best."
N- "Anything for you babe"
*End Call*
I had to run by home first and grab Taylor. Oh my gosh, how am I going to tell Taylor ?

K- Kristyn

T- Kristyn?
K- Come here for a minute.
T- What's up?
K- Mom and dad were in a car accident and they're in the hospital now. But it looks like they won't make it.
T- Seriously?!?! *starts crying*
K- "Yes I'm serious. We're going to go to the hospital and see them"
T- "Ok."
* End Conversation*

We get to the hospital and the first person I see is Niall sitting in the waiting room he came up and hugged me and I just cried. We went back to my parents room and I just saw them laying on the hospital beds. Taylor and I went up to them and gave them a big huge hug my parents told Niall to come over and they gave him a big hug as well my dad then called Niall over and told him something.

Niall's POV
While we were visting Kristyn's parents her dad called me over and he said " I know we won't make it, but I wanted to let you know that you have my permission to marry Kristyn whenever that will be. I want you to take care of her and Taylor with all your heart." "I promise I will take very good care of her and Taylor." We hugged after that and that's when he called Kristyn over and talked to her for a little while. The doctor then came in and told us that they only have a few more hours to live and we can stay a little while longer we stayed for those last few hours and then they died. I just comforted Kristyn and Taylor both we left the hospital and went home. Kristyn didn't want to be alone tonight so I went over and spent the night with her.

*End of Flashback*
Kristyn's POV
I put that memory in the back of my mind and we went out to dinner to celebrate. I can't wait for little Kaylyn Rose Horan to get here.


Hey guys!

Sorry if this chapter made you tear up at all. I almost cried while writing it. Sorry if I made anyone cry.

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