Distractions and Delusions

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[Waverly Earps POV]

English went by way to slow. For the most confusing reason ever, Nicole was all I could think about. She had this look every time Mr. Ledderer would talk, like she had this determination, like she needed to pass this class. This made me want to know more about her. The way she wrote every time he talked about whatever book we were supposed to be reading. She just seemed so focused on the task at hand, it made me wonder what would happen f she only focused on me. Wait snap out if it Waverly, your dating Champ.

The bell rings snapping me out of my thoughts and quickly packing up all of my things, including my Latin book. I realize that Nicole is a transfer student and probably doesn't know where all of her next classes are, that gives me a reason to get to know her better. Plus that also gives me a chance to stand up for her in case anyone tries anything.

"Hey, What's your next class, I have History, which isn't bad because the teacher is that bad. Actually she is really sweet, and is awesome at teaching the subject. I'm rambling aren't I? I should stop." I say nervously to her, i really need to work on my social skills.

"Yes, I have History, but it seems I forgot what classroom she was in." Nicole says to me smirking a little, I can't help but blush at her.

"Well I can take you there if you want." I say kinda happy that she does have history, that just means i have more distractions in class.

We gather all of our things before heading out of the classroom. We are just walking and chatting when I see none other than my boyfriend walk up towards us. I notice a change in Nicole's body language and I see her clenching her fist, her knuckles are turning a pale white. Champ walks over with a huge smirk on his face as i see him eying me up and down.

"Hey Wave, how was your first period? Also who is the hottie next to you?" He says blatantly right to my face, I instantly get angry, but not for him hitting on another girl in front off me he has done that before. I'm more angry at the fact that he called Nicole hot and is basically undressing her with his eyes.

"Champ, Need I remind you that I am YOUR girlfriend? This "Hottie" is the new transfer student Nicole Haught. Now if you'll excuse us we have a class to get to Champ." I say a little angry and without thinking grab Nicoles hand and take her down the hallway towards the history classroom. When i grabbed her hand i instantly felt a spark that shot through my entire body.

"Well that was certainly interesting, Who was that?" Nicole says this when I thought it was clearly obvious when I said your girlfriend but i will explain it to her anyway.

"That was my dumbass boyfriend Champ, Star Quarterback for the school. He is so stupid, not for saying that you aren't you know hot but he is my boyfriend." I say kinda agitated as I turn to face her and her beautiful brown eyes.

"Ah, so you're straight then." Nicole says while walking into the classroom.

"Well, yes and no. I am what you refer to as a unicorn." I say with a smile.

"Ok, so you're bisexual than. Why did you call yourself a unicorn... Oh... Nevermind." NIcole says to me blushing slightly as she is quite slow to get the meaning behind the word unicorn.

Time Skip

Lunch rolled around and I am going towards the football field and I get there rather early. I walk towards the Locker room and change into last years cheer outfit and stuff the rest of my school supplies into the same locker. Before walking back I grab a water bottle and my lunch from home and walk back to the field eating alone as usual.

It doesn't bother me that I eat alone, I would rather eat alone the eat with Champ. Don't get me wrong I like champ but he can be really annoying at times so I either eat in the fields or at the Library. I eat my stupid sandwich while the rest of the girls who want to be in cheer come towards the field. I didn't know however that the soccer team also had try outs. Little to my surprise I also see Nicole walking from the gym towards the field. She walks over to the bleachers and drops off her back back and begins walking towards the locker room.

The cheer coach has been yelling at most of us, and has had multiple girls do the same routine to the same music. I hear my name being called and i get into first stance. As soon as the music starts I begin to do bounce my hip to the beat of the music. I move my arms left than right to the rhythm of the song when my eyes make contact with Nicole's who is watching intently. I start to now do my best because for some reason I only want Nicole to see this. I never break eye contact with her during the entire track. Her eyes are filled with lust just from watching me and that makes me smirk.

Once the track stops I walk over to where I put my water bottle down and begin drinking it as the next girl goes up and does the same cheer. I wait for a while looking at the potential girls that would be cheering with me this year. I am actually really nervous as to if I get on the cheer squad.

Nicole walks back and i nearly choke on my water. She didn't change much, her softball t-shirt was still on but she was wearing black tights and had on come cleats that made her taller. She was carrying a duffel bag and a green and white soccer ball with her. I set my bottle down and begin walking over to her while she was kicking the ball between her feet.

I walk up behind her and say, "So... You're trying out for the Soccer team huh?" Which startles her as she loses control of the ball and it starts rolling towards me.

"I didn't know you cheered. Is this for your 'Star QuarterBack'?" She says walk towards me stopping the ball.

"Yeah, but I also do it because one of my older sisters did it, She graduated a while ago." Is say kinda sad as this reminds me to to see her in the mental Hospital and to not let the whispers that rome through the school's halls get to me.

The soccer coach blows her whistle and Nicole smiles at me before leaving to join her fellow girl soccer players. The coach can be really mean at times from what I have heard. I walk over to where I saw Nicole's backpack leanIng against the end of the bleachers. I sit down as she looks towards me and I just smile and giver her two thumbs up, I get a smile in return.

The coach tells Nicole something and She kicks her ball to me before putting on some sort of gloves on her hands and runs back towards the huge net behind her. She walks back and i see all of the girls with their soccer balls in front of them. As soon as the coach blows her whistle balls go flying towards the net behind her. At first i was worried for Nicole's face because what if she got hit or injured?

The first ball comes rushing towards the left corner and in a blink of eye Nicole stops and kicks the ball back towards the girl that kicked it. This happens a lot as she was trying her best, not letting a single one through. Her determination was showing through as she kept stopping the balls left and right. Sweat started building up on her forehead and her muscles were tensing up. Not gonna lie she looked hot,her pony was falling apart with bits of stray Hair dangling over her forehead, her muscles showing each time she lunged for a ball. The coach blew her whistle and called Nicole over. I'm currently holding her ball and grab her backpack before she headed towards her duffle bag and slowly taking off her gloves.

"Hey Waves, Enjoy the show?" She said smirking as she took off her left glove. My heart fluttered when she said my nickname even though Champ says it. When she says it, it just feels natural, like she should always say my name.

"It was quite a show I will say that for sure. I didn't know you did sports, but I get it you're a lesbian not a unicorn right?" I say this and instantly regret it.



"Anyway, to the lockers?" Nicole says throwing the gloves into the duffle bag.

"Sure, I think we are done anyway." I say looking back at the cheer squad and began walking by her side and I swear I think I saw a smile.


Authors Note:

This is the newest one so please enjoy i will try to upload the next one in the future but i am going camping this weekend and i will be very sore after wards. Please again let me know whose point of view you want to see this story in. Anyway thanks for reading it.

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