Personal Masks Revealed

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[Nicole Haught POV]

A few days have passed since the incident and Waverly and I have gotten closer and I don't know what I'm doing when I'm not around her. Her smile is so addictive and yet at some times it seems so fake. There are times when we are in class and sometimes when we get partnered up to discuss the topic our teachers give out and her smile seems genuine especially when we are in history. Than are times when I'm discussing about the silliness that happens in my ROP and anytime we have alone time together she will smile but her eyes show something different. I feel like I need to confront her about it. I am having these thoughts right in my English class where I sit right next to the girl who smile usually brightens my day and now just hurts my heart knowing that they are all fake.

Finally the bell rings and I see Waverly slowly putting her stuff away just so she can walk with me on our way to our next class which happens to be her favorite, History. After putting my stuff away I grab her hand and we walk towards History. Before entering the classroom I pull to a stop and lower my head. Maybe my anxiety is just getting to me, but then again what if what I think is true. What if she has lost the care she had felt for me in the past and maybe is rethinking her decision to be with me, and my heart aches at the thought. I can hear her trying to talk to me but all of the thought going through my head are clouding and deafening everything around me. Waverly is tugging on my hand and from what I could tell is that I wasn't compliant she let go of my hand for a split second and before I knew it she gripped it and took me running outside.

"Nicole, please talk to me, What's wrong?" She says with such concern in her voice and I can't even tell if it genuine concern or if she is faking like she has been her smiles.

"Waverly, I was going to ask you the same question." I mumble under my breath as I look and can see that we are on the turf surrounding the home base on the softball field.

"What is that supposed to mean Nicole.." She asks me this as if she is innocent in this argument.

"You have been so quiet and faking smiles these last few days and it usually has been when you and I are alone together. It's like you aren't happy when you're around me, and don't say you have been smiling because your eyes say way more than your smile. So why don't you tell me what's going on..." I yell, at her which catches her off guard and she looks downward as she body goes somewhat limp while standing.

"Nicole, I am so happy I am around you but..." She hesitates and that get my heart racing as a few tears fall from my face, I can feel my stomach churning.

"But what Waverly?" I ask now in an uncontrollable state of nervousness and fear, I can't lose her.

"Nicole, you scare me..."I can hear thunder rumbling in the distance as the moisture in the air is suffocating and drops of rain fall from the sky.

"What do you mean?" I say a bit more softly as I move forwards towards her completely ignoring the rain and it gets heavier.

"Nicole when we are together I feel complete. I feel whole, cared for in ways that are explainable. It was nothing like when I was with Champ and that scares the shit out of me." I smile and step closer now getting drenched in the rain.

"Waverly I feel the same way, I got so scared that I wasn't enough for you. I want you to know that you can talk to me, with any fears or insecurities, I want you to know that I will always be there for you." I say this as we both get drenched in the rain, our wet foreheads touch as I move the wet hair from her face.

Thunder crackling in the distance, and the rain making puddles all around us in the turf of the softball field. We both confessed how we felt in this relationship and I could tell that that was the biggest thing on her mind and as I move my forehead from her face I can safely say that the smile on her face in genuine. I lean in for a kiss what wasn't filled with any kind of hunger or longing but out of love and passion.

We break from our kiss as we needed air and that when reality hit both of us as we and all of our stuff in out in the rain and we are both sopping wet and not in the fun way. I grab her hand as we make our way to the office and get excused from the rest of today's classes as the did not want their "prestigious classrooms" to get wet. Grinning at Waverly we run outside back into the rain and run towards our houses. Her laughter and smile as we run through the rain was the second best thing to happen to me that day, the first being the kiss.


Authors Note:

I am going to switch their POV's to where the next chapter will be continuing from the other from this point on because that's the easiest way i can see getting this story to where i want this to go. So next chapter will still be in Waverly's POV but it will be continuing the way it goes.

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