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[Nicole Haughts POV]

Waverly and I are making our way towards the locker rooms. I am still a sweaty mess and it probably not the most attractive thing in the world. I take my hair out of the ponytail and let my ginger locks flow down my shoulder. My duffel bag over my shoulder I begin to replay the scene of Waverly dancing for her cheer tryouts and it will forever be there best thing I will ever see.

"Hey Nicole?" I hear Waverly speak snapping me out of my thoughts


"Why did you tryout for soccer when you're obviously going to try out for softball in the spring?" Waverly said and this made me realize that she can be quite smart.

"Well, Softball tryouts aren't until spring and I have to do something or else I will be bored out of my mind." I say with complete honesty as we reach the locker rooms.

Waverly mumbles something that I couldn't quite hear and when I open the door for her I can see a slight blush creep on her cheeks. We go towards our lockers and she just happened to be on the opposite side of my locker. I shyly take my pants off ands well as well as my cleats trying not to think that Waverly is right across me. I throw my cleats and my clothes into the duffel bag and throw them back inside the locker itself. I begin to hear some struggling from the other side of me, and I can only imagine it being Waverly, so once I put my shoes on I make my way over towards her and see that she is stuck in the cheer shirt.

"Hey. Nicole i'm stuck, heh could you help me?" She kinda yells not realizing that I was standing right behind her.

"Alright, here let me help you." I say as I begin to pull off the cheer shirt

"Thank God you're not some guy or else this would be really, really awkward."Our eyes meet and we stare for what seemed like an eternity.

I Look down and with a smile before looking up and herself covering her chest with the shirt before stuttering out, "Um... I.. I really owe you one."

"Alright how about i buy you a cup of coffee.? How about tonight?" I say just realizing that she had a boyfriend.

"Oh I can't. I would love to.. Like.. like to um..." She instantly says and even though I knew that's what her answer would be she continued be just ramble.

"But I have plans, heh yeah, I'm a planner, I would like to know what I am doing at least two or three days in advance," I just stared at her as she continued to ramble because it was so adorable.

Waverly shakes her head before saying what I already knew, "I'm in a relationship, with a boy.. Man"

"A boy man. Yep, I've been there it's the worse, okay some other time." I say to her walking towards the exit of the locker room. She just smiles at me.

" I mean it." I And with that I walk away and all of the nerves just hit ma all at once, I just asked her out and she said no but I think deep down she actually wanted to say yes but she is in a relationship. Anyway right now I have to head down to the precinct for my RoP class that way I can be a cop just like my dad.

Time Skip

The Purgatory Sheriff's Department was fuller than usual and that's because today was Combat hand to hand combat training, and everyone loved the training more than when they have us studying all of the different codes. One person I instantly recognized that Waverly's Boyfriend. Champ I think his name was. Anyway the instructor has us streching even though I came here right after soccer tryouts I still need to stretch. As I begin to stretch I notice that I am the only female in the room trying to be an officer.

"Hey, hottie. I didn't know you wanted to be a police girl." Champ says walking over as I am in the middle of stretching my shoulder.

"Hi, yes I do and I do believe Waverly told you name name so it would be wise for you to use it." I say now stretching my wrists.

"Well I think that hottie is a much better name for you." Champ says to me getting closer to me.

"Well I think Loser is a better name for you than." I say pushing him away

"Woah, you're feisty... I like it." Champ says this i get my fist ready to collide with his face.

"Alight line up! Let's get this class in progress, Haught, Hardy, Line Up." The instructor says and I couldn't be more grateful.

I line up and just like at soccer tryouts the instructor goes down the line and sizes everyone up. He stops in front of Champ and then at me. Hey was a making eye contact with me and I could see he was trying to intimidate me and I just stare at him making sure to let him know that he wouldn't break me. He smiles and continues down the line making more people look down after just one look.

"Haught, Hardy, Front and Center." He says as I smirk and walk forward along with Champ.

"I want to see the only two people who didn't back down from my gaze just stare at each other to try to break each other. Speaking is allowed but no physical contact. This is to teach you that you can scare someone with nothing but words and eye. Someone once said that eyes speak louder than words lest show that person that it's is true. Now, face each other." He says as I turn to the left and Champ looks at me.

"So Nicole, What's it like seeing Waverly and Me together and not you. I mean you obviously like her so.... What's it like not getting what you want?" Champ sneers.

I don't break the eye contact and just make a fist and begin to speak, "What's it like not being able to see her dance for you and only you during Cheer Tryouts.. Oh wait you weren't there were you? No you were probably trying to hook up with someone behind Waverly's back because she won't give you what you want, and all you want, Champ is to have sex with Waverly. Am I wrong?"

"What's it like not dating her Haught? What is it like not being able to kiss Waverly, what's it like having you have to see her be with me and not you?" He says this but I see him reaching.

"What I want to know is why Waverly chose someone so below her. She could have anyone she could but she chose 'No Brains Hardy'. Now, shall we talk about the rumors going around about you? Champ Hardy only got on the football team because his dad is the coach so, he doesn't actually have any skill whatsoever. He talks like he is good in bed ,but he is in fact a virgin..." With that last one I get sucker punched right in the face as I see a now angry Champ Hardy standing above me.

People all around the station come running towards Champ holding him back and I see some of the officers grab me and walk me out of the building. My right eye hurting like a bitch I start to lunge towards Champ, with none of the other officers expecting me to be so strong I rush past them and land a blow right across champs lower Jaw knocking him to the ground. I get on top of him and start waiting on him. The officers are now having to pull me off of Champ who is now bloody, beaten and bruised, my knuckles are stained with blood and I can't tell if it's mine or his. I shake the officers off and leave the building. I here the Instructor calling me from behind but i ignore him and rush out side where it's cold and bitter.

"Haught. Stop where you stand!" He yells at me and I stop.

"I understand that I am no longer allowed into the building because of my actions, I will have my schedule fixed by tomorrow. Have a nice day instructor." I say and start walking.

"Haught! You passed the exam. You broke Hardy in more ways than one. You may have broken him physically and the one rule I told you not to break but you followed the main goal. I will see you thursday for next class ok?" He yells this and it surprises me but i leave with a smile on my face.


Authors Note:

So i decided that i'm going to be doing the same thing i have been doing so far and have the chapters change from Waverly and Nicole. I have made this decision based on my personal reasoning and what you guys have thought. But please await for the next Chapter in Waverly's POV.

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