Damn It!

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[Waverly Earp PoV]

 Nicole and I are making our way towards the lockers, and Nicole take her hair out of it ponytail having it cascaded down her shoulders making me have to remember to breath. It just makes me want to know more about her. What her favorite color is, what she likes on her sandwich, what her favorite song is, her ideal date. Wait, what am i thinking, i'm with champ, but then again that won't stop me from getting to know her right?

"Hey Nicole?" I say as I seem to have scared her, was she thinking about something?

"Yes?" She replies.

"Why did you tryout for soccer when you're obviously going to try out for softball in the spring?" I say but bite my lip afterwards because the answer was in the question.

Nicole smile before answering, "Well, Softball tryouts aren't until spring and i have to do something or else I will be bored out of my mind."

"You could be doing me..." I mumble beneath my breath and i can feel my cheeks heating up.

Hoping Nicole didn't hear me I quickly make my way towards my locker and she goes to the opposite side of me. I begin to steady my breath as I feel my heart beating fast. I hear her open her locker and begin to put things away, I snap out of my thoughts and begin to try to take off my cheer shirt. As it gets to my elbows it just refuses to go past and get off my body. I puff out a breath and stop struggling and give in to asking Nicole for help.

"Hey. Nicole I'm Stuck, could you help me?" I yell hoping she will come to my rescue.

"Alright, here let me help you." She says from behind me as she begins to take the small shirt off.

"Thank God you're not some guy or else this would be really, really awkward." I say as she hand me my shirt and our eye meet. My breath gets caught in my throat and I just can't seem to look away.

Nicole Looks down as I covered my chest with my shirt, as I see her adorable dimples; I have to say something, "Um...I.. I really owe you one."

"Alright how about I buy you a cup of coffee? How about tonight?" She says with a smirk and I was scream yes but not yet, I have to break up with Champ first. What am I thinking, I can't break up with Champ.

"Oh I can't. I would love to.. Like like to um... but I have plans, heh yeah, I'm a planner. I would like to know what I am doing at least two or three days in advance." I ramble on before I have to say the hard truth to Nicole.

I shake my head making myself realize that i have to let her down, "I'm in a relationship with a boy.. Man"

"Nicole looks up smirking before saying, "A boy Man. Yep I've been there, it's the worse, okay some other time." She says walking towards the exit before stopping.

"I mean it..." With that last sentence she grabs the rest of her stuff and leaves the room to myself.

I slide down the lockers with my hand on my chest. I feel my heart pounding and my palms are clammy. Why does Nicole make me so nervous? I mean I know I'm bisexual, that was obvious my sophomore year at this one party. Anyway i need to get dressed for my next class, even though that class doesn't really need me I still go because I love history. I get dressed without struggle and make my way towards my next class with Nicole stuck in my thoughts.

Time Skip .

I arrived back home and Unlike usual Champ didn't come and pick me up after his RoP so either he is just tired or he went to Shortys afterwards. I make my way to my room and immediately open my window and not to my surprise i see Nicole across the way. Something is off though, she isn't smiling, she has a busted lip and she has a glass of water next to her. Her right eye seems to be darker than usual, I grab a hair tie and shoot it to her closed window hoping it hits making her notice me.

It hits the glass making a tink noise and she looks up and our eyes meet. She smiles and winces when she does but she looks now like she will cry. She waves at me and as she puts her hand down I look at her knuckles and I see some cuts and bruises. I instinctively need to go to her just to make sure she is okay and to find out what happened.

I run down the stairs ignoring the yells from my family and run to her door. I knock on it and I wait for what seemed like the longest day of my life. I see a tall woman with ginger hair and piercing blue eyes and a big smile.

"I guessing you want to see Nicole.. She is right up stairs second door on the left." She say letting me inside.

"Thank you." I say while running towards her door. I stop as i slow my breathing and reach for the handle.


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