Prologue - Worlds collide

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A year after the first installment of the series (The Rede - a woman's discovery).


"What do you mean we don't have the scroll?"

I wide-eyed glared at the other members – and Baldwin. He shifted. He never liked it when I directed my angry glance at him, it always left him uncomfortably numb.

"It got lost over the centuries. The last time we had it, was around the 1900's", Fabiano explained to me. I tiredly rubbed my forehead. "Genevieve was the last one who held it in her hands", Fabiano explained.

I sat down with a thoughtful expression. "Without it, we can't look after the reason why the other countries won't negotiate with us. Why are Spain, Australia, Belgium and such against us? Why won't they work with us?" I leaned forward. "Why are Sweden, Norway and Denmark against the Rede? Why do they want us to dissolve? Why are they oppressing the people under my family's name?"

Why would Genevieve ban them from working with us? What had they done to be against us? Why did they stay away from us? The others wouldn't help us with spells, were about to open up to the humans and risk our existence.

"I suspect black magic", Diana quietly whispered at my last thought. "Genevieve surely did something. Why else would they unfoundedly stay away from us?" "Are you hinting at a binding spell?", Fabiano asked Diana. "It would be possible." "But how did she do that without anybody noticing it?", the young demon, Azazel, voiced. "Why would she do that, is the more important question", Baldwin corrected.

A wild thought crossed my mind.

"No." "Yes!"

I looked up to Baldwin's frown and Diana's enthusiastic face. "We are not-" "Time travelling! What a wonderful idea! Why waste time with research when you can ask the person directly!"

1840. I would have to travel back to 1840 to ask her directly.

Genevieve de Chauvette. The woman who had started my family line.

"Thinking like a true de Chauvette", Baldwin sighed. "Exactly!", Diana cheerily proclaimed. "Your father didn't hesitate to ask his great-grandfather for information, why would you?" "Because she-" "She's your mate. Oh, boo-hoo. Rebecca is a capable witch, a formidable weaver – she would manage fine on her own-"

"Never." Baldwin's voice shook heavily in the room. "She's not going to the 19th century on her own. Not over my dead body." "Then come along? What are you making a fuzz for?", Diana crossed her arms. "Men! And supposedly we women make everything more complicated! Rebecca's just going back to ask for her reasoning, just to get the scroll we need for more links with other countries."

"It's not only for us, but for every other creature there is Baldwin. For Italy, France and England. For their safety." I touched his arm. My vampire's eyes heavily gazed at me. "We are not staying longer than for a month." "We won't need that long." "Your father disappeared for three", Fabiano informed me.



"Your father was gone for a year before he met your mother too", Andrea explained after we caught him up on today's meeting. He was balancing little Nathan on his lap, the boy too energetic to stay in his arm. Simon was content in Baldwin's, pulling his grandfather's beard for kisses.

"We would just talk to Genevieve, get her reasonings, the scroll, maybe undo the spell so we can stop the others or find a way through her spell." "Sounds like more than a year's business for me", Andrea honestly commented. "But don't worry, Mario, I and your boys are here to take your position in case you stay away for much longer. We managed before so we can do so again."

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