Epilogue - Abrupt goodbye

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The silence was a dead giveaway, but I ignored it - played dumb.

But my heart knew what was wrong - but I ignored this empty feeling that spread in my body.

Lost at first, I stared at the ceiling of my home's guestroom. Once I finally understood where I was, I breathed in deeply. Pressing my eyes close, my third eye fluttered open and scanned the entire house.
I felt the hot feeling of Esme's fiery magic, felt Baldwin's snowflake glance brushing over me, felt the salty and cold feeling from my storm magic and heard my humming cords, but didn't feel nor hear mum or dad's magic.

No violin sounding at the touch of mum's cords as they met in the air, no haziness from dad's uncanny sight around the rooms. No sound of electricity from him, no feeling of iciness from her. No feeling of this spot on knowledge from my father, no feeling of wonder from my weaving mother. 

There were no traces of my parents's magic.

No - can't be.

Everything was clear and only occupied by my cords and Esme's weak magic.

No, I felt wrong.

They must be here.

They must be at home.

I was too tired to feel their magic yet - that was it; I needed to wake up properly first.

My vampire met my eyes as I looked to his side.

Baldwin was awake and laid next to me, watching over us. Esme softly snored in his arms, her legs spread out and her arms on his face. She was drooling onto his shirt, but he didn't seem to mind. She had always been a messy sleeper.

My worries were almost forgotten as Esme nuzzled closer to her father with a small smile.

However, as his forest green eyes met mine, I felt sick to my bones; but not due to the pregnancy. I jumped out of bed, took mum's morning coat and ran out of our room.

Our baby seemed to feel along with me - this fluttering feeling, something only creatures felt this early - grew stronger with every step I took around the second floor of my old home. And it wasn't reassuring at all.

They must be here.


In their bedroom.





Herbal room.


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