Chapter 16 - Miscarriage of justice

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Author's note: I'll update the story on the weekend and starting from Monday the 8th, I'll only update it on the weekends like I used to do! Uni is attention demanding

Thank you for reading my story so far, it means the world to me xx!


"You are officially out of your mind child." Genevieve's welcoming words weren't warm at all.

A chair shot forward out of nothingness and turned to face me. I took it as a sign to sit down.

I let my eyes wander around the office, ignoring Genevieve's burning eyes for now.

The office was so alive, every little thing in here was moving, having a mind on its own. The books rearranged themselves, the chairs polished themselves, ravens, tiny dragons, hybrids flew around the room.

The chandelier lit itself up, cackling robes judged my appearance in the dresser.

"Impressive, isn't it? When I bought this house Master Henri did not tell me of this room. So alive, so witchy it makes our hearts beat faster, doesn't it?", she quickly addressed before she returned to the topic on hand. "Why did you sneak into my house? You could have waited until my return to ask me to live with us."
"The master of the inn threw me out after a week. Saying I couldn't occupy the room for a longer while."
"And nobody else took you in?"
"They thought I was a whore, homeless, strange", I patted my skirt into place. Genevieve's eyes followed my movement.

"Where did you find that piece of cloth?"
"I stole it."

"From who?"
I shrugged. "The only dress I had was the one I came in. It's too beautiful to be worn around town. Or for cleaning."
"Don't dodge my question, Rebecca, who did you steal it from?"
"I passed several houses, the ones by the church, and there were a bunch of them hung up to dry. I left herbs behind."
"So, you were clever enough to trade with the witch."

Andrea had told me to never steal from a witch, but if you did need to resort to that method, you should always leave something behind not to anger the witch or the goddess.

"I had a few good teachers after all."
"Good, maybe, excellent? Absolutely not. Even my youngest could teach you more. You don't know the names of the hybrids, don't know every hex, jinx, curse, defence or offence tactic."
"Because in our time we don't have them flying around in our office, don't use them on each other. Those who do-"
"Are to be executed by the Rede, by you. Poor, poor witches, cursing demons and vampires they hate. That's daily routine for us, but not for your generation."

Genevieve leaned back, a sigh escaping her lips. "Why are the new generations so helplessly hopeful? We creatures are having a hard time to live in harmony, yet they try to force peace between us all. Conflicts have been there ever since the first witch, vampire and demon. Not to forget werewolves, angels, hybrids, monsters, giants. You can try to keep up the illusion of harmony and peace, but it will never truly happen because we are all too different from each other."

She snipped and the letter shot out of one of my skirts. "There are a few instances when a few creatures can live peacefully together, but the question is for how long?"

Before my eyes, she ripped the letter into thousand pieces.

I got up.

I was pressed down against my will by her powers.

"I will not indulge this relationship. You two may be mated, but goddess above knows no Chauvette would approve of it. It's silly to give away your status and protection for another creature. Baldwin is also the worst vampire fate could have chosen for you."
"Why do you detest him so much? What has he ever done to you?"

"Baldwin has always worked against us witches, always took from us because he wanted it. He's greedy, destructive, hateful."

I clutched my fist close, trying not to yell at her.

"I'm not going to say it's not true, I know he would use anything to get what he wants. But he stopped working against us."
"Of course he did. Now that his mate is a witch! How can you be so blind, Rebecca? Why would Andrea hate him that much if he truly didn't hate witches before you? Why would so many vampires detest him?"

"Because he took everything from them."

"Yet you can still love him. Yet you told me that with the calmest voice."

"Because I love him. Both his bad and good side."

I decided to take the plunge.

"But you aren't much different compared to him. You too take what you need from others. Creatures know in my time. They suspect you were a messenger, they suspect you bewitched kings and queens for your own advantage."

With every word, I had leaned forward without noticing. "The only difference between you two is that you can get it indirectly by bewitching them. He has to kill for it."

The room temperature fell to a chilly one.

"You believe those rumours?", her voice was dead.
"I can see it first-hand."

A sly smile appeared on her face. "Maybe you aren't as naïve as you look, Rebecca." She knocked on the desk and two tea cups appeared. "You are free to stay at mine's, until the day your training is over."

"Training? That's not what I came for."
"I could well be cursed if I let you go without the proper education. You will not leave without being a true de Chauvette."

"How long do you want me to stay with you? I don't have all the time of the world to stay in the past. I have duties in my time."

"I'm well aware of that. But you will stay here, you will learn. One day you will return."
"Not one day. Soon. I can't stay for longer than a year. They will worry why we are away for such a long time."
"You. Not we. Baldwin can make his way back naturally. You, on the other hand, can't."

"I don't intend to leave him here, Genevieve."

"I know you don't. But you must. For your own sake."

"What good will it do? He's my mate."

"Mate or not, you can live without him."

But he couldn't.

A vampire could die if they were separated for too long from their mates. Was she intending to kill him that way?
"You are cruel, Genevieve."

"You are not the first one to tell me so." With the same tone, she continued. Her face stayed annoyingly neutral.

"No letters to Baldwin, no leaving the house without my permission. From tomorrow, you will start your training with the others - and me, once you aren't angry enough to gurgle me. Your first lesson shall be potion brewing. Well, once you've chosen your wand. Now, I bid you goodnight, my dear."

Whitlock waited at the door, offering his arm.

"Arthur, accompany Lady Rebecca to her room. At 8 in the morning, sharp, she shall be in the witching room taking her first lesson in potion brewing. Wake her at 7 so she can eat properly. Lady Rebecca will need her whole strength tomorrow-"

"To get rid of you."

A sharp smack made me tumble forwards. I shot an angry look at Whitlock. He hesitated, then lowered the rolled newspaper in his hand. His expression stayed stern.

"No matters", he decided as our eyes battled for dominance. He wanted me to look away first, but I wouldn't. On the goddess herself, I wouldn't.

"That's the spirit. The fiery witch will get whatever she wants. Goodnight, my dear", Genevieve waved after me.

This was living hell.

A punishment for me wanting to help my people.

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