Chapter 35 - Haunting memories

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"There we go", Diane exchanged the dirty bandages with new ones. "How are you feeling?"
"Better", I smiled at my teacher, taking the tea from her.

I sniffed it. "Camomile", we said in unison.

"Breakfast will be brought up to you room soon", Diane informed me, cleaning up my room. She ignored my protests not to. "You should rest. The last two months are always the most tiring ones."

That was true. I was already tired. I slipped back into the pillow, blowing the tea to cool it down. A question lingered on my mind.

"How are you all faring with Sarah's death?"

"... Like you are", Diane answered after she picked up another dress. "We don't talk about it, yet we all think about her."
"We all grieve in our own ways."
"That is indeed true", Diane checked if I was warm enough and wrapped another blanket around me.

"I make sure her legacy is carried on. I found a teacher who will take her place and teach her spells."
"The others?"

"Whitlock was always the type to bottle every emotion up. I don't know if and how he's grieving for her." Diane opened the door and took the trey out the air.

"Madame cannot concentrate in the evenings. Her mind travels against her will." She placed the trey before my stomach and proceeded to fold my clothes. "So, Madame calls it a day and visits Sarah's grave. Madame got rid of the book, I should tell you."
"A wise choice."

"Not that it mattered", Diane scanned me.

"You got rid of her."
"That evident?"

"Why else did you return bloodstained and empty? The water that slowly regenerated in your skin was bitter – stormy water. You killed her." Well, those really were a few good giveaways.

"You sound as if you are chiding me." I shoved the trey away and crossed my arm. "Which I cannot understand. Why would you be angry I got rid of a daemon that killed countless of people? She wanted to kill me and my child. Killed my teacher. Harmed you all. Chased after children. And you are chiding me for doing the right thing?"

"I never thought you would do such a thing."
"I see", her aura said enough. "You can't stand witches who kill – that's why you don't like anybody but children in this household."
"There is already so much happening in this world, and you all chose to commit another crime."
"While you did nothing, and watched it happen."

I sighed in frustration. I didn't need another enemy.

"Either I died there, or I killed her. I'm just glad I'm alive and Esme is well."
"I know, yet you could have decided to bait everything out."
"And run away? I can barely go up the stairs without panting like a maniac."

Diane sighed but nodded. "I know, I know."
Why suggest it then? ...
"Please eat. You need to catch up on your nutrition and relaxation. Madame decided you are freed from your lessons until you've had your child."

"Until I've had my child!?", I jumped up, not caring about Diane's protests. "That's two more months! What else am I supposed to do now?"
"Rest. Prepare for your child, Rebecca. There's still a lot you don't know about motherhood."


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